The parallels between the two environmental frenzies are many, but the stakes are much higher now.
A majority of scientists might say a scientific theory is true, but that doesn’t mean the consensus is reliable. The science underpinning environmental claims can be fundamentally wrong — as it was in one of the biggest environmental scares in recent decades.
September Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) are now available, and we see downward spikes in ocean temps everywhere, led by sharp decreases in the Tropics and SH, reversing the bump upward last month. The Tropical cooling in particular factors into forecasters favoring an unusually late La Nina appearance in coming months.
Here’s what losing weight does to your body and brain.During the first week, you may find it easy to lose weight by simply switching to a healthier diet. But as your metabolism adjusts, you won’t burn as many calories as you used to.
Expert who co-authored a detailed report for Britain’s Department of Health (1999) into London’s traffic pollution pours cold water on Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan’s latest push to ban diesel cars.
This is the first time that an android has been granted citizenship in any nation.The robot is called Sophia and was developed by Hong Kong firm Hanson Robots.
Artist’s impression of something that wasn’t spotted this week
Astronomers have spotted an object that they believe came from another star system.
The 400-meter-wide object – dubbed A/2017 U1 – was first spotted on October 19 after it slingshotted around the Sun. Analysis of its trajectory suggests it passed beneath Earth’s orbit by about 24 million kilometers on October 14. Whatever it is, it’s moving: boffins have clocked it at 44 kilometers per second.
Written by Dr. Dietrich E. Koelle (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin)
Now that the temperature maximum of the 1000-year cycle has been reached over the past two decades, a new global cooling phase can be expected — as has been the case over the past 8000 years. Why would the natural cycles just suddenly give up?
With weary inevitability, the BBC has decided that it is going to issue an apology after a sceptic – Nigel Lawson in this case – was allowed a rare opportunity to state their case on the airwaves. This is starting to be something of a ritual for the corporation.
Huge efforts are already underway to establish a human colony on Mars, but one of the biggest obstacles is creating a sustainable oxygen supply to support life on the Red Planet.
Researchers have somewhat disturbingly claimed that psychopaths can actually benefit society.
Experts at the University of Plymouth concluded that, despite their violent tendencies, psychos can make the difficult decisions that others may struggle with. The team carried out tests to see if people would sacrifice one person to save a larger group if they had the choice.
AN excellent ‘re-education’ piece by Robert Lyman via Friends Of Science Calgaryon the politically demonised gas of life – CO2 (Carbon Dioxide).
OUR children are being scandalously indoctrinated in the classroom to believe that colourless, odourless, tasteless trace-gas and plant food CO2 is a “pollutant.” THE Obama administration’s EPA even declared, by law, CO2 (your own breath) a “pollutant:”