Although it may seem paradoxical, a series of harsh winters that “killed” vineyards in western New York are being blamed on global warming.
Global Warming Blamed for ‘Extremely Cold Temperatures’ in Vineyards
Written by Thomas D Williams PhD
Written by Thomas D Williams PhD
Although it may seem paradoxical, a series of harsh winters that “killed” vineyards in western New York are being blamed on global warming.
Written by Paul Homewood
We are all too familiar with graphs showing how much global temperatures have risen since the 19thC. The HADCRUT version above is typical, and also very precise, with fairly tight error bars even in the early part of the record.
Written by Ho-Kwang Mao, Qingyang Hu, et al.
Abstract: Hydrous minerals in subducted crust can transport large amounts of water into Earth’s deep mantle. Our laboratory experiments revealed the surprising pressure-induced chemistry that, when water meets iron at the core–mantle boundary, they react to form an interlayer with an extremely oxygen-rich form of iron, iron dioxide, together with iron hydride.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Qualified American Professional Engineer (PE) Nicholas Schroeder posts a telling analysis exposing some of the flaws in the American Chemical Society’s publicity spin in support of the ‘greenhouse gas theory.’ The ‘theory’ is the scientific cornerstone that ‘proves’ humans are dangerously warming our climate.
Written by Dr Duanne Thresher
The NSF, the National Science Foundation, is one of the largest funders of global warming research. It is a US government agency, so subject to FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) requests, and funds NCAR, the National Center for Atmospheric Research, which is one of the largest global warming research institutes and whose climate model I (Dr. Duane Thresher) have worked on.
Written by Christopher Mims
Three decades ago, a historian wrote six laws to explain society’s unease with the power and pervasiveness of technology. Though based on historical examples taken from the Cold War, the laws read as a cheat sheet for explaining our era of Facebook, Google, the iPhone and FOMO.
Written by Pierre L. Gosselin
A look at Dr. Ryan Maue’s site here tells us a lot about how 2017 cyclone activity is doing as the Atlantic hurricane season winds down.
Written by Robert Arvay
Science and politics used to be very separate institutions. Where they did overlap, science was nonpartisan. The role of scientists was to provide objective evidence — and dispassionate, nonpolitical interpretations of that evidence. Indeed, one rarely if ever could detect the political leanings of any particular scientist. Also, science and religion used to get along, at least for the most part.
Written by Jo Nova
Oh. My. Lord. Keep the car in the garage.
Climate Change Could Increase Volcano Eruptions
Dr. Graeme Swindles, from the School of Geography at Leeds, said: “Climate change caused by humans is creating rapid ice melt in volcanically active regions. In Iceland, this has put us on a path to more frequent volcanic eruptions.”
Written by Kerry Jackson
Conform or else. That’s the message of the global warming alarmists. Those who don’t buy into the man-made climate change narrative should be prosecuted as criminals.
Written by Matt McGrath
Fatty acids released into the air from cooking may contribute to the formation of clouds that cool the climate, say scientists.
Written by Kevin Mooney
HOUSTON—Unvalidated climate models that don’t correspond with physical data and the requirements of the scientific method contribute to unfounded climate alarmism, a retired NASA physicist said at the Heartland Institute’s recent America First Energy Conference.
Written by Ethan Siegel
Written by Marc Morano
Although the United Nations climate change secretariat (UNFCCC) is led by a woman for the second time in a row — current Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa, who followed Christiana Figueres — women are still vastly absent from climate change decision-making. And largely ignored by climate policies.
Written by Washington Post
Bill Nye, the lanky, bow-tied TV science advocate, is still a hero to a generation of young adults who eagerly watched his 1990s series, “Bill Nye, the Science Guy,” in classrooms or on afternoon television.
Written by Paul Rincon
Plague was present in Europe during the late Stone Age, according to a study of ancient remains. Writing in Current Biology journal, researchers suggest the deadly bacterium entered Europe with a mass migration of people from further east.