A weird propaganda blitz, widely publicised again last week, is trying to persuade us that the cost of power from wind farms has been “tumbling” so fast that wind has now replaced coal as our “cheapest” source of electricity.
As parts of Canada are today reported to be colder than the North Pole, and as Minnesota and Mount Washington report record lows of minus 36 degrees centigrade, as the UK suffers under ice, snow and freezing rain we are still assailed from all sides by the cries of Anthropogenic or Man made Global Warming.
This puts in context any claims that 20th-century warming is somehow unusual and alarming. It is not – it is business as usual for Earth’s climate.
Discoveries in the ice reveal our planet’s fluctuating, never static, climate history
By Ptolemy2
During WW2 a macabre find was made 16,000 feet up in Indian mountains – a lake full of corpses. Later scientific analysis would date them to the 9th century AD – at the start of the Medieval Warm Period about 1000 years ago. They had been killed by large hail-stones.
As we now sit in one of the coldest “chill waves” in America’s history, with NYC poised to break the record for the coldest New Year’s Eve ever, it’s noteworthy to recall how all the “climate change” experts used to be global warming alarmists.
“It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a UFO, it’s a virus from outer space.”
My previous article detailed: cooking up fake threats of viruses from outer space. This could be the next “UFO disclosure” coming on the heels of recent Pentagon reports of alien craft in the skies.
In my previous essay, Chance Favors The Prepared Mind, I did not end up with the specific topic I intended when I started. So, to keep this essay on the straight and narrow I note the destination in the title. But we begin with the prepared mind referred to by Louis Pasteur.
A blast of Arctic air brought temperatures in the city of International Falls, Minn., down to a new record low of -36 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday morning, beating out a nearly century-old record.
International Falls is known as the “ice box of the nation” because the town experiences a high of 32 degrees Fahrenheit for more than 100 days throughout a typical year. The previous record cold for the city was -32 degrees in 1924, but now that’s been shattered, the National Weather Service reported.
Astronomers are in for a treat as 2018 gets under way, with the arrival of a blue moon at the end of January. According to tradition, when two full moons appear in the same calendar month the second is termed a “blue moon”.
It is the celestial phenomenon that gave rise to the phrase “once in a blue moon”. The last one took place back in July 2015 . Even though it is called a blue moon, there’s no colour change in store for our lunar neighbour. The moon won’t suddenly appear with a blueish tinge.
In a little over a decade the world could be plunged into a ‘mini ice age’, scientists have warned. Temperatures will start dropping in 2021, according to a mathematical model of the Sun’s magnetic energy.
In 2017, scientists thought they had detected Einstein’s gravitational waves from a new source – the collision of two dead stars, or neutron stars. The first direct detection of these waves was announced in 2016, when the Advanced LIGO laboratories described the warping of space from the merger of two distant black holes. The result was hailed as the starting point for a new branch of astronomy, using gravitational waves to collect data about distant phenomena.
American consumers, particularly parents, should be asking some hard questions about why the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) apparently have no interest in improving vaccine safety.
THE sun is the source of all our warmth. Without it, we would not exist. Like everything else, it is cyclical in nature. The term “lunatic” referred to people who seemed to go a bit strange when there was a full moon. Some people are perhaps susceptible to its gravitational forces. After all, it is the moon that lifts the entire oceans creating high and low tide. There are people who have varying mood swings and others who are a tad more steady. Yet we all have our ups and downs.
People living around the Pacific Ring of Fire are facing a terrifying New Year of earthquakes and volcanoes after experts predicted a period of unprecedented seismic activity.
Santa really was good this year. Rather than handing out expensive kitchen gadgets to clutter up the shrinking counter space, he had some swell presents in his bag. My Dearest was the clear winner — she got a new snow shovel!
When the US entered the nuclear age, it did so recklessly. New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons were far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000American deaths from 1951 to 1973.