A new seminar at Cornell University is determined to shut down “climate denialism,” claiming that there is “mounting evidence” that “global warming is real.”
Cornell Course Examines ‘Derangement’ Of ‘Climate Denialism’
Written by Neethu Chandak
Written by Neethu Chandak
A new seminar at Cornell University is determined to shut down “climate denialism,” claiming that there is “mounting evidence” that “global warming is real.”
Written by Tyler Durden
Scientists are saying that the Earth’s magnetic field is acting strangely, and at some point, we could all experience a shudder. Although we are being told we won’t experience a magnetic pole reversal in the near future, something incredibly strange is going on.
Written by Kent Clizbe
The time has come for whistleblowers to come forward and expose climate fraud. Government employees willing to tell the truth about climate can be handsomely rewarded.
Written by Adam Houser
A veteran Ph.D. meteorologist with the National Weather Service (NWS) was physically assaulted by NWS Director Louis Uccellini for mentioning “cooling” during a talk about the Earth’s climate in 2014 according to an account provided to CFACT.
“Don’t ever mention the word cooling again,” the agency’s Director warned
Written by Viv Forbes
There are three big drivers of weather for any place on Earth – the latitude, the local environment and solar system cycles. The biggest weather factor is latitude – are you in the torrid, temperate or frigid zone? These climatic zones are defined by the intensity of heat delivered to Earth’s surface by the sun.
Written by Albert Parker
Concentrated solar power is not delivering on green energy promises. Behind the hype these futuristic molten-salt power towers are generating only 13 percent of predicted capacity. But their most worrying issues concern problems with thermal energy storage.
Written by Thomas D. Williams PhD
This month marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most destructive books of the last century, The Population Bomb, by Paul Ehrlich.
Written by Dr Susan J Crockford
Sea ice in the Bering Sea this winter was said to be the lowest since the 1850s, largely driven by persistent winds from the south rather than the usual north winds although warm Pacific water was a factor early in the season (AIRC 2018).
Written by Jack Hellner
Here are some articles and stories that are minimally reported, if at all, because they do not fit the agenda that humans, fossil fuels, and CO2 are causing disastrous global warming, aka climate change.
Written by Jonathan Vankin
One of world’s most baffling mysteries became even more mysterious after new archaeological findings announced earlier this month appeared to cast a strange new light on the question of who built the ancient stone circle monument known as Stonehenge.
Written by Alan Siddons
Looking up at a platform holding a lit candle and ice on a pedestal, a typical thermal imaging camera shows that the ice is appreciably warmer than the clear blue background sky. Assuming a 0.95 emissivity, ice at 0°C would be radiating about 299.88 watts per square meter. This means that a typical thermal imaging camera is capable of detecting 300 W/m² of thermal radiation.
Written by Paul Driessen
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt has proposed to end the longstanding EPA practice of using secretive, often questionable, even deceptive science to support agency policy and regulatory initiatives.
His proposed rules will ensure that any science underlying agency actions is transparent and publicly available for independent experts to examine and validate – or point out its flaws.
Written by Tony Heller
Sunspot Numbers – Maunder Minimum – Wikipedia
Prior to the widespread adoption of the superstition that a 0.0001-mole fraction increase in CO2 over the past century controls the climate, scientists took a more rational approach.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Canadian skeptical climatologist Dr Tim Ball still battles gamely in the British Columbia Supreme Court defending against the world’s worst perpetrator of secretive junk climate science: Dr Michael E Mann.
Written by Peter Hess
When we learn about human genetics in high school biology class, one of the most basic things we learn about is the DNA double helix, the twisting ladder-shaped structure that holds our genetic code.
But scientists have long suspected there’s another type of DNA that looks quite different from the famous Watson-Crick model. They theorized that it’s knot-shaped, though they’d never observed it in a living cell … until now.
Written by John Vibes
There has always been some suspicion that pharmaceutical companies would rather keep people sick and on drugs than cure them in one shot and lose the ability to create return customers.