Author Archive

A Coming Grand Solar Minimum Or Not: Predicting Solar Minima and Maxima

Written by Steven Haywood Yaskell

Earth is currently experiencing weakened solar activity not witnessed by living persons. What is on the horizon regarding geomagnetic storms or climate effects? Is a “grand minimum” (Maunder Minimum) imminent? This article touches on these and notes in some detail predictive tools – to include their limitations – recently tested which may yield reproducible clues.

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The Greenhouse Gas Effect is a Scientific Impossibility

Written by Herb Rose

The greenhouse gas theory( GHGT) is a theory claiming that certain gas molecules in the atmosphere are inhibiting the Earth from transmitting heat into space. There is great debate about what role different gases play in heating and cooling and the accuracy of certain assumptions of data. It turns out that these arguments are irrelevant because the basic assumption of the theory is wrong and based on ignorance of science.

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No, Cute Puffins Are Not About to Go Extinct Because Of Climate Change

Written by James Delingpole

puffins birds cliffs

The great thing about puffin stories is that they give you the perfect excuse to run a jolly picture of a puffin at the top. Everyone loves puffins, some – if you’re Icelandic – because they’re a tasty delicacy, others because, with their distinctive stripy beaks they look so attractive and charming and cute.

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The Real Environmental Scandal: Out of Sight out of Mines

Written by John M Contino

Children mining for battery minerals.

As a generalization, it’s safe to say that there are few things in this world more odious to an environmentalist than the mining of metals and minerals, except if those activities are conducted in an obscure, faraway place, and if the fruits of those activities bear the cool, sleek moniker of “clean.”

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Scandal of ‘killer’ wood burning stoves

Written by Christopher Booker

Given these horrific facts, why have governments in recent years made wood-burning such a core part of energy policy? For there is no doubt ministers have been desperate to encourage it. There is just one issue. Health problems apart, the whole thing is an economic disaster (file photo)

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GRAVIPOWER “Start over on Gravity”

Written by PSI contributor

The nature of gravity is arguably the most intractable conundrum cosmic science is facing. Gravipower is the latest component in a PSI series reviewing the possible connection between black hole V616 Monoceros and the Earth’s force of gravity. However, the separation distance is calculated to be about 3,500 light years, which recognises that when gravity reaches Earth it is a weak force, but it is a very strong force near the black hole.

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The Science of Sand

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

Sand on the Beach
Have you noticed yet?

Sand is In!

Apart from the fact that my friends and I are going on annual trips to the environs of “Sandy Lake” in Ontario, or that all the natural gas/oil “fracking” (causing and keeping open miniscule underground fissures) consumes a lot of fine sand to keep the underground rock fissures open, or its use in producing cement mix than can be troweled into smooth surfaces, or in the playground of your children or grandchildren, sand is one of those natural things that are truly plentiful and—amazing.

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Coca-Cola Just Paid $1,000,000 To Keep This Hidden From You

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Coca-Cola has been having a rough time. The company owns Honest Tea, Odwalla, Powerade, Vitamin Water, Simply Orange, and other products marketed to health-conscious consumers. But it is best known for making Coke, a product that is utterly devoid of nutritional value and is often blamed for contributing to the obesity epidemic — an epidemic that is costing hundreds of billions of dollars and causing hundreds of thousands of deaths each year.

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Vaccine Whistleblower’s Home Raided, Documents Seized ‘in the Interests of Science’

Written by Dave Hodges

Vaccines are one of the most hotly debated topics today, and their defenders often ask those who voice concerns about vaccines to furnish evidence that they’re bad. While there is no shortage of studies showing the harm they cause, a recent incident reminds us that there is likely a lot more information out there about vaccine dangers that never sees the light of day.

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Video: How Occam’s Razor Disposes of the Greenhouse Gas Theory

Written by 1000Frolly

A video that demonstrates that atmospheric temperatures on a planetary body such as earth can simply be explained by adiabatic pressure and the Ideal Gas laws. This is a well-made video, the explanations are clear (and include both visual and verbal components), the science is sound, and there are references.

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