Author Archive

How to Foster Famine

Written by Viv Forbes

Famine has haunted humans for most of their history. In the days of the Pharaohs, whenever the Nile River failed to flood, Egypt starved. Joseph was called in and he organised stockpiling of grain for famine relief.

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Junk Food and the Upsurge of Diabetes: A Global Phenomenon

Written by Richard Galustian

In this month’s prestigious British Medical Journal, The Lancet, has given considerable coverage in its June issue to the fact of the dangerous upsurge for both young and old of the variety of Diabetes which is becoming one of the largest global health crises of the 21st century.

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Video Presentation: Does Spacetime Exist?

Written by Stephen Crothers Thank you for viewing this video on Sky Scholar! This channel is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, the stars, thermodynamics, and the microwave background. We will discuss all things astronomy, physics, chemistry, and imaging related!

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Why Paul Ehrlich Matters Fifty Years Later

Written by Donna Laframboise

An empty playground in Paul Ehrlich's world.

If people followed Paul Ehrlich’s advice, empty playgrounds would litter the world.

SPOTLIGHT: Whether the predictions in Paul Ehrlich’s 50-year-old bestseller, The Population Bomb, were right or wrong matters. Because scientists and environmentalists continue to follow in his footsteps.

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Arrogant Delusions of NASA’s Gavin Schmidt, Stefan Rahmstorf

Written by Pierre Gosselin

NASA GISS director Gavin Schmidt

In a shocking display of contempt and hubris, NASA GISS director Gavin Schmidt and Potsdam Institute climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf lashed out in response to questioning… and insist “leading climate scientists” don’t need policing by “policy folk” and that the questioning is “tiresome” and “silly.”

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Study Confirms Cell Phone Cancer Link

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Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers.

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