Lasers that emit ultrashort pulses of light are critical components of technologies, such as communications and industrial processing, and have been central to fundamental Nobel Prize-winning research in physics.
A star system containing two gigantic suns is blasting cosmic rays into space and NASA scientists have found that the radiation is making its way towards Earth on intergalactic winds.
Really, you’ve got to laugh! Every sceptic scientist in the world must surely be crying their eyes out with laughter. Why? There are headlines in all the papers – we are running short of CO2. Supermarkets have not enough fizzy drinks in this heat wave, beer is in danger, and worse there is trouble with crumpet.
Another new study trashes the accepted climate theory. The Greenhouse gas effect is exposed as lacking a definitive, agreed explanation. It is seen to rely on opinion rather than validated science.
New mathematical study trashes the greenhouse gas theory as a credible explanation of earth’s climate. Paper adds to work of dissenting scientists who show that SURFRAD data plus strict application of standard physics discredits the accepted global warming narrative.
Consensus science told us nuclear fusion explains how our sun works. But the failure to detect Fe or He-II in the solar spectrum could prove a fatal wound. The shock news has re-ignited interest in the fission theory of an esteemed Indian physicist, once tipped for the Nobel Prize.
In a new paper published in the Journal of Social Marketing, Dr. Erik L. Olson spotlights the “Fakegate” scandal as a salient example of the unethical and deceptive practices used by those who promote dangerous anthropogenic global warming (AGW) — a“difficult-to-sell” cause.
Written by Robert A. Beatty BE (Minerals) FAusIMM(CP)
A fresh look at wind turbine design. Betz’ Law implies that if a device could be added to a wind turbine which lowers back pressure, the wind mill would be able to extract more than 59{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the available wind power.
Radioactivity is where atoms with unstable nuclei emit particles forming more stable atoms. An atom can emit neutron molecules and helium nuclei, or by dividing or emitting an electron, they can form more stable atoms of different elements.
Gerald Marsh, retired Argonne National Laboratories Physicist, challenges the usual assumption that ice age cycles are initiated by Milankovich Cycles and driven by the Arrhenius effect of carbon dioxide.
There is plenty of scientific literature about toxicity levels of carbon dioxide (CO2). Despite media alarm we show how scientists have proven CO2 is not only safe, but an important benefit to life.
The question we put to lukewarmers is not so far removed from the question all skeptics pose to alarmists: ‘Are you intellectually lazy or intellectually ignorant?’
A group of scientists at the University of Rhode Island stumbled on something unexpected when analyzing data brought back from a 2014 expedition to western Antarctica.