The climate alarm media, the bureaucracy and the Green Energy industry follow an agenda which is served by inflating any short-term weather event into a climate calamity. They should take a long-term view.
July 9, 2018: Last month, flight attendants got some bad news. According to a new study from researchers at Harvard University, the crews of commercial airlines face an elevated risk of cancer compared to members of the general population.
The revolution on college campuses, which seeks to eradicate individuals and ideas that are considered unsavory, constitutes a hostile takeover by fringe elements.
Last spring at the Evergreen State College, where I was a professor for 15 years, the revolution was televised—proudly and intentionally—by the radicals.
SPOTLIGHT: The most reputable publishers imaginable are misinforming the public about basic geology.
BIG PICTURE: Last September, a book titled The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Analysis and Commentaryappeared. Five people are listed as editors, four of whom are lawyers. Two teach at universities. Another two are United Nations’ legal officers.
To convince skeptics and naysayers the Chinese company that was the focus of international headlines after unveiling its “laser AK-47” that it claimed can set fire to a target from nearly a kilometer away has released a video of the weapon being tested as proof of its capability.
The Cassini orbiter revealed many fascinating things about the Saturn system before its mission ended in September of 2017.
In addition to revealing much about Saturn’s rings and the surface and atmosphere of Titan (Saturn’s largest moon), it was also responsible for the discovery of water plumes coming from Enceladus‘ southern polar region.
The scientist widely known as the “Father of Global Warming” has admitted for the first time that data used to promote his climate change theory was false and fraudulently manipulated by Al Gore to suit an agenda.
SPOTLIGHT: There’s no such thing as a ‘balance of nature.’ BIG PICTURE: A prominent theme of ecologist Daniel Botkin’s latest book, 25 Myths That Are Destroying the Environment, is that the natural world is more sophisticated than we imagine.
Very recent scientific publications show that the North Atlantic heat content and surface temperatures have been cooling significantly, and so may lead to a rebound in Arctic sea ice in the region.
U.K. meteorologists won’t be declaring a June 28 temperature reading as the hottest recorded in Scotland since the early 20th century after discovering a car parked near the weather station may have contaminated the data.
A skull made of sugar — one of a large number of foodstuffs that have been associated with cancer risks or benefits, despite a lack of strong direct evidence (AFP Photo/JOEL SAGET)
[Sarcasm alert!] Brought to man-kind through Climatology Science Investigative Computer Model Predictive Knowledge of all things in the Entire Universe. (Sponsored by the UN and EU)
Not all radiation will de facto add energy to any matter it comes across. It is a widespread misconception that also underlies the wrong idea about earth’s atmosphere sending heat to the surface via the re-radiation of energy off molecules such as water vapor and carbon dioxide and making the surface warmer than it was in the first place.
How accurate were James Hansen’s 1988 testimony and subsequent JGR article forecasts of global warming?
According to a laudatory article by AP’s Seth Borenstein, they “pretty much” came true, with other scientists claiming their accuracy was “astounding” and “incredible.”