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Alarmist BBC’s ‘Climate Change and Me’ Series Blasted By Facts

Written by Paul Homewood

great barrier reef sea turtle

Christopher Booker exposes the BBC’s lamentable series, Climate Change and Me, this week:

In its drearily unscientific obsession with climate change, the BBC plumbed further depths last week when Radio 4 gave over its Book of the Week slot to a five-day series entitled “Climate Change and Me”, in which we were told that “scientists” would describe their personal experiences of global warming.

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Are We Heading for Another Deep Solar Minimum?

Written by David Dickinson

Solar SDO

A (nearly) naked Sol… more the norm than the exception these days. Credit: NASA/SDO AIA 512/1600 imager.

Have you been keeping an eye on Sol lately? One of the top astronomy stories for 2018 may be what’s not happening, and how inactive our host star has become.

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Ground Zero of Amphibian ‘Apocalypse’ Finally Found

Written by Michael Greshko


Since the 1970s, the aquatic fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has triggered die-offs in hundreds of amphibian species such as the common midwife toad (Alytes obstetricans). These frogs—arranged in rows by researchers documenting the fungus—died in the French Pyrenees.


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Peeling Back the Veil of the CERN Illusion

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Just as the first atom smashers were used to create bombs, everything done at CERN is for military purposes.  As is usually the case, any technology that can be weaponized for the globalist’s take-over of the world, whether it is social media, big agriculture, energy production, or the internet, will be used for the purpose of enslaving humanity. Make no mistake: CERN is a super hub for the global military industrial complex.

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A Coming Grand Solar Minimum Or Not: Predicting Solar Minima and Maxima

Written by Steven Haywood Yaskell

Earth is currently experiencing weakened solar activity not witnessed by living persons. What is on the horizon regarding geomagnetic storms or climate effects? Is a “grand minimum” (Maunder Minimum) imminent? This article touches on these and notes in some detail predictive tools – to include their limitations – recently tested which may yield reproducible clues.

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The Greenhouse Gas Effect is a Scientific Impossibility

Written by Herb Rose

The greenhouse gas theory( GHGT) is a theory claiming that certain gas molecules in the atmosphere are inhibiting the Earth from transmitting heat into space. There is great debate about what role different gases play in heating and cooling and the accuracy of certain assumptions of data. It turns out that these arguments are irrelevant because the basic assumption of the theory is wrong and based on ignorance of science.

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