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Italian forecasters connect solar minimum and global cooling

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“It seems something can not be hidden longer…” says Italian geologist Dr Mirco Poletto.

“On ‘Il meteo’, an Italian weather forecast website, they continue talking about solar minimum and cooling,” says Dr Poletto. “The funny thing: they say the sun is “unusually” weak, showing no knowledge about long term solar cycles. Going on in the article, however, they mention Maunder minimum, the little ice age, and other cold periods.”

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How Fast are Sea Levels Rising?

Written by Hans Schreuder

Warning: this article is not for the gullible or the faint-hearted. The alarmist message is in line with genuine alarmist messages in that it ignores the facts and draws a conclusion that does not bear scrutiny, similar to the UN IPCC messages.

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Arctic Was Warmer 9,000 Years Ago When CO2 Was Low

Written by Kenneth Richard

Unearthed new evidence (Mangerud and Svendsen, 2018) reveals that during the Early Holocene, when CO2 concentrations hovered around 260 ppm, “warmth-demanding species” were living in locations 1,000 km farther north of where they exist today in Arctic Svalbard, indicating that summer temperatures must have been about “6°C warmer than at present.”

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Papers: Sea Level Rise Claims ‘Conjecture’…’Highly Erroneous’

Written by Pierre Gosselin

Accelerating sea level rise due to global warming is supposed to eat away at the shorelines across the globe.

However, a recent paper published in the journal Nature here authored by a team scientists led by Arjen Luijendijk found that some 75{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the world’s sandy shorelines are stable or growing!

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Tornado Stats For 2017 Show Steady Decline Since 1970

Written by Paul Homewood

The year 2017 was a relatively busy year for tornadoes in the US, ranking third since 2005 on preliminary data. This was mainly due to a spurt in numbers in January to March, most of which were weak EF-0 and EF-1 tornadoes.

There were, though, three EF-3s in an outbreak in January, which sadly led to 20 fatalities.

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Sacred Peer-Review Process Takes A Big Hit

Written by cfact

Global warming alarmists suffered a big hit this week in their effort to deify shoddy “peer-reviewed” climate papers.

Stanford University medical professor John Ioannidis, in an interview with Agence France Presse (AFP), blew the lid off the trustworthiness of the peer-review process.

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Whatever happened to fears over ‘peak oil’?

Written by Michael Lynch

Very few people realize that the entire concerns about peak oil were based on misinformation or junk science.

A decade ago, the media was filled with stories about peak oil, numerous books were published on the subject (such as Half Gone and $20 a Gallon!), and even the Simpsons mentioned it in an episode about doomsday preppers.

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Arctic Ice Holds Steady For A Decade!

Written by Pierre Gosselin

Lately, Arctic sea ice volume has been a topic which climate skeptics have been looking at quite closely.

According to Al Gore and a number of climate ambulance chasers, Arctic sea ice in late summer should have long disappeared by now.

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Fake News: ‘Global Heat Wave’ Is Melting Polar Bear Sea Ice!

Written by Dr Susan J Crockford

polar bear hunting seal

According to The Guardian, there is a “global heat wave” going on right now.

In Siberia, the heat is supposedly “completely unprecedented” and will surely (we are told) impact Arctic sea ice — the habitat of the iconic polar bear. Yet a comparison of previous years shows little to no impact on sea ice: there is more ice present than there was in 2007.

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Imagine… Our Electric Car Future…

Written by Hans Schreuder (Analytical Chemist)

… if all these cars were electric, the many billions of tons of extra batteries …
… the mountains of vile byproducts to make those extra billions of batteries …
… the mountains of vile waste from recycling those extra billions of batteries …
… if just 10 of them ran out of battery power in a traffic jam …

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Arctic Ice Volume Holds Steady For A Decade!

Written by Pierre Gosselin

Arctic sea ice volume data show earlier projections of ice-free Arctic summers were a sham. Sea ice now steady 10 years.

Lately Arctic sea ice volume has been a topic which climate skeptics have been looking at quite closely.

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