Author Archive

A Question of Mass

Written by Herb Rose

Man has been to the moon and discovered that it is not made of green cheese. Samples have been taken and the tests done on the structure of the moon which shows that it is very similar to the Earth.

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Peer-reviewed Science Can Support Nearly Every Position

Written by Donna Laframboise

SPOTLIGHT: Recent peer-reviewed science points in different directions. BIG PICTURE: Two new studies about dietary fat made the news last week. According to the first, fat is a villain. In the words of a headline at the UK Daily MailFat consumption is the ONLY cause of weight gain! ‘Unequivocal’ data reveals protein and carbs are not responsible for a bulging waistline.

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The Battle Against High Humidity and High Cloud Cover

Written by Carl Brehmer

The concern that people have for rising carbon dioxide levels is based on an assertion being made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that rising carbon dioxide levels would result in the atmosphere becoming more humid, which would increase cloud cover.

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A Matter of Time

Written by Herb Rose

The concept of time seems to be ingrained in us. We remember the past lessons we’ve learned and make plans for the future. This concept contributes to our survival and certainly has contributed to the success of the species.

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Welcome to Brainwash University

Written by John Hunt, MD

Welcome to all you first-years matriculating next month at our beautiful campus in the lovely town of Brainwash, Massachusetts. We used to call you “Freshmen”, but we can’t say that anymore without triggering. And “Fresh-NonGenderBinary” is too hard to write and likely a passing phase, despite the state of Maine now using it on driver’s licenses.

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