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Exposing the Real Albert Einstein

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Like so many other people on this Earth, I was led to believe that Albert Einstein was the “Greatest” scientist that the world has ever known.

But just as so much of so-called ‘history’ has been fabricated in order to brainwash the public into believing myths that serve the parasitic controllers, so was Albert Einstein created into a mythic figure in order to support those ends.

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1931 Ocean Temp Record Broken By…0.2 Degrees?

Written by Michael Bastasch

Scientists at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography recorded the warmest sea surface temperature taken in 102 years off the school’s pier in Southern California.

Scripps researchers recorded a high of 78.6 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday after a string of daily sea surface temperature records off the pier.

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How a ‘Usefulness’ Mindset Is Killing Scientific Curiosity

Written by George Will

Albert Einstein in Washington, D.C., c. 1921 (Library of Congress)

Focusing only on the practical applications of scientific research bodes ill for the future.

“Science, like the Mississippi, begins in a tiny rivulet in the distant forest.”

— Abraham Flexner

In 1933, when America’s most famous immigrant settled in Princeton, N.J., Franklin Roosevelt tried to invite Albert Einstein to the White House. Abraham Flexner, the founding director of the Institute for Advanced Study that had brought Einstein to Princeton, intercepted FDR’s letter before the intended recipient saw it.

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New radio telescope picks up mysterious signal from space

Written by Eric Mack

The CHIME radio telescope at dusk in British Columbia.

Andre Recnik

A new radio telescope in Canada is doing its job picking up mysterious signals from deep space known as “fast radio bursts” (FRBs).

The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) in British Columbia detected the first-ever FRB at frequencies below 700 MHz on July 25, a signal named FRB 180725A.

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Polar Bear Dies, National Geographic Lies

Written by Donna Laframboise

SPOTLIGHT: The iconic magazine is now a purveyor of propaganda.

BIG PICTURE: On her blog last week, zoologist Susan Crockford called our attention to a startling admission over at National Geographic. It acknowledges publishing fake news. Or, as it more delicately puts it, we “went too far in drawing a definitive connection between climate change and a particular starving polar bear.”

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Climate change emperors have no clothes

Written by Ed Berry, Ph.D., Physics

According to the scientific method, it is impossible to prove a theory is right. But climate alarmists ignore the scientific method and simply BELIEVE their theory is right. They don’t have time for any stinkin’ proof they are wrong.

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Unified Fields in Disguise?

Written by Miles Mathis

Prenez et lisez—
Voici des nouvelles*

Abstract: I will show that we have had not one but two correct and successful unified field equations for centuries.

Both Newton’s and Coulomb’s famous equations are unified field equations in disguise. This was not understood until I pulled them apart, showing what the constant is in each equation and how it works mechanically.

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#Fake News: We Could Have Stopped Global Warming In 1980s

Written by Michael Bastasch

New York Times Magazine dedicated an entire issue to an article called “Losing Earth” that alleges humanity was on the cusp of stopping man-made global warming in the 1980s, but then didn’t.

Writer Nathaniel Rich narrative focuses around the failed efforts of “a handful of people, among them a hyperkinetic lobbyist and a guileless atmospheric physicist who, at great personal cost, tried to warn humanity of what was coming.”

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