Is Antarctica melting or is it gaining ice? A recent paper claims Antarctica’s net ice loss has dramatically increased in recent years, but forthcoming research will challenge that claim.
NASA glaciologist Jay Zwally first challenged the “consensus” on Antarctica in 2015 when he published a paper showing ice sheet growth in eastern Antarctica outweighed the losses in the western ice sheet.
Imagined risk: All available evidence indicates that man-made global warming is a physical impossibility, but if the predicted warming could be induced it would probably provide net benefits.
A simple two bulb single filament comparison bulb test shows that the CO2 gas ‘back radiation effect’ claimed in the greenhouse gas theory just does not occur.
The test relies on a well-established principle in applied science; the filming effect of gases on a filament, discovered by Dr. Irving Langmuir (the ‘Langmuir Sheath’ effect).
On June 13 Chris Mooney of the Washington Post wrote how Antarctica’s ice sheet was “melting at a rapidly increasing rate” and “pouring more than 200 billion tons of ice into the ocean annually” — all this according to “a team of 80 scientists”. The doomsday media response was immediate.
No one understands the causes of weather better than highly experienced meteorologists. And so when it comes to questions about extreme weather events, there is no one better to ask than prominent Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann (or Joe Bastardi in the US).
One of the great horror stories associated with predictions of CO2-induced global warming is that the warming (if it occurs) will be so fast and furious that many species of plants will not be able to migrate towards cooler regions — poleward in latitude, or upward in elevation — at rates that are rapid enough to avoid extinction.
In the final stages of a stars life it, when all fusionable material is exhausted, a star produces energy by combining the electrons and protons of atoms radiating that energy and forming a neutron star.
In 2011 Dr Tim Ball famously said of Dr Michael Mann – notorious ‘hockey stick’ graph creator – that he “belongs in the state pen, not Penn. State.” Seven years and millions of lawyer dollars later, Dr Ball explains why defeating Mann in court will topple the vast global climate fraud conspiracy.
This important new book offers unique and extensive coverage of the political economy of the abortion, contraception, and sterilisation industries; and of the efforts of governments and elites to bring on sweeping changes in sexual and reproductive behaviour. Thank you for viewing this video on Sky Scholar! This channel is dedicated to new ideas about the nature of the sun, the stars, thermodynamics, and the microwave background.
It is with sadness we report on the passing of a highly-esteemed American geologist Robert Louis (Luigi) Folk, famous as a sedimentary petrologist and renowned for the Folk classification of limestones which is now universally in use.
Presently sea surface temperatures (SST) are the best available indicator of heat content gained or lost from earth’s climate system. Enthalpy is the thermodynamic term for total heat content in a system, and humidity differences in air parcels affect enthalpy.
SPOTLIGHT: Banning plastic straws is the latest trend. BIG PICTURE: Here in Canada, the city of Vancouver has outlawed disposable drinking straws as of June 2019.
The European Union is talking about doing the same. Greenpeace thinks they should be curtailed in Australia.
The California city that was home to 1960’s radicals declared a “climate emergency” on Tuesday evening, backing policies to “humanely stabilize” the human population.