SPOTLIGHT: June 23rd was the 30th anniversary of James Hansen‘s historic climate testimony to a US Senate committee.
BIG PICTURE: Nine years after the 1988 event that triggered decades of climate change media coverage, the person who orchestrated the event was interviewed by PBS’s Frontline.
No, bees are not dying out. No, their populations are not being harmed by neonicotinoid pesticides. No, farmers are not wiping out all the wildflower meadows which allow insects to flourish.
But this is not something you ever hear about it in the media, obsessed as it is with the doom narrative fed to them by green activist bodies like Friends of the Earth.
Nearly all of the major news outlets last week ran attention-grabbing headlines uncritically reporting a supposed crisis of rapidly increasing melting of Antarctica.
According to the reporting, accelerated melting of the continent’s ice could raise sea level significantly and bring catastrophic coastal flooding to communities all over the world.
I live in SE Queensland. Yesterday the surface air temperature rose from a frosty 36ºF at sunrise to a balmy 72ºF in mid-afternoon. The enormous heat needed to achieve this 36º of warming came via radiation from the sun.
The current model of the atom is the nuclear model where almost all of the mass is contained in a central nucleus which is surrounded by clouds of electrons. This model of the atom was a results of experiments where the directing of subatomic particles showed most of the particles penetrating with a few reflected by the central mass.
The abysmal track record of computer models in simulating climate trends has increasingly been highlighted in the scientific literature. Recently published papers indicate that in some cases climate models actually get it right zero percent of the time (Luo et al., 2018; Hanna et al., 2018), or that hydrological models are off by a factor of 8 and 4 of 5 simulate trends opposite to real-world observations (Scanlon et al., 2018).
The number-one challenge of our times is to separate the wheat from the chaff. To assist in this task, we are blessed with more information than ever before – but we are also simultaneously burdened with more misinformation than any prior generation has ever had to deal with.
Sustainable alarm, an unending hoax. Commentary at Germany’s ‘Die Welt’: Why has the climate-last-chance alarm been blaring 30 years long now? And why has the planet today “suddenly” just been given yet another 20 years by experts?
Since yesterday, scientists have said the sunspot appeared and grew astonishingly quickly.
The website Space Weather states: “Yesterday, sunspot AR2715 did not exist. Today, it sprawls across more than 60,000 km of solar surface with a primary dark core twice as wide as Earth.
(Natural News) It’s no secret that the aluminum adjuvants used to make vaccines more potent is toxic; so injecting metal into your body usually isn’t the best of ideas, now is it?
But few have dared to go against the grain and take a deeper look at just how bad aluminum really is when its used in vaccine preparations.
Forget man-made global warming. A drastic shortage of carbon dioxide has sent the European beverage industry into a spin. Thirsty soccer World Cup fans have been warned that beer and soda pumps may soon run dry.
NASA’s MSU satellite measurement systems, generate the RSS and UAH datasets, which measure the average temperature of every cubic inch of the lower atmosphere (0-10 kms), which happens to be the exact place where anthropogenic global warming is meant to occur, according to anthropogenic global warming theory.
ACCORDING to NASA data, the recent 0.56°C plunge in global temperatures, following the 2015/16 super El Niño, is the greatest two-year cooling event in a century. “You have to go back to 1982-84 for the next biggest two-year drop, 0.47°C—also during the global warming era.”
According to a new paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research, the observed mean thickness of the sea ice in the region north of (Arctic) Svalbard was substantially thinner (0.94 m) in 1955 than it has been in recent years (~1.6 m, 2015/2017).
This week’s good news is that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS), by far the world’s biggest ice mass, was largely intact during the entire Pliocene epoch. The Pliocene was slightly less than three million years in length, and preceded the Pleistocene, the epoch of the ice ages.