In his posthumously published book “Factfulness,” the Swedish statistician Hans Rosling describes a paradox: “The image of a dangerous world has never been broadcast more effectively than it is now, while the world has never been less violent and more safe.”
The U.S. is being invaded by armies of a species of East Asian tick that spawns without mating. The Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. has been particularly impacted.
Somehow, the tick landed here from Eastern Asia and, to listen to the media, one would think it should be called The Terminator for its horrifying description.
Michael Janitch (from St. Louis Missouri) is an independent scientist who has been researching / teaching topics related to geophysics. He also claims he can predict earthquakes.
Alarmists have been raising fears that increased warm water in the Antarctic is reaching a ‘crisis.’ However, NASA pours cold water on the claim reporting Antarctica’s sea ice just hit a record HIGH.
The housing industry is like a roller coaster. The housing crash left houses empty and people homeless. Some neighborhoods are still littered with empty and decaying homes, some having stood empty going on 10 years now.
A lot of things melt in the rain. Don’t leave your cake out in it. But have you ever had a car bumper fall off? No? Two new owners of Tesla Model 3s say it has happened to them.
Could it be that global COOLING causes heat-waves? Surely not! Yet it does! So let’s investigate this further, but first a number of principles that we’ve explained before:
Seriously, this bullying by name-calling must stop. Calling someone an “antivaxxer,” is as closed-minded as calling someone a “climate denier” – it shuts down debate on important scientific concerns.
Jupiter’s colorful bands do not descend far beneath its surface. Image Credit: NASA
Scientists have determined just how far down Jupiter’s colorful atmospheric bands actually go.
The striking ammonia bands, which paint the gas giant’s atmosphere various shades of red, brown, orange and yellow, have long remained one of Jupiter’s most iconic and recognisable features.
With wildfires engulfing over 620,000 acres of California, there’s been a concerted media campaign to single out man-made global warming as the primary force behind the deadly blazes.
But that’s not what the data suggests, according to University of Washington climate scientist Cliff Mass.
Total solar eclipses reveal observational niceties about the Sun and Earth otherwise impossible to detect.
This article paraphrases a recent summary of research expeditions focusing on the Sun-earth connection outlined by C. Alex Young in Sky & Telescope magazine.1 August 21, 2017’s total solar eclipse allowed coordinated teams many “firsts” to be observationally surpassed, as well as confirming predicted Sun-earth effects dating to 1970.2
Thirty years of continued false climate alarms have sounded since climate change scientists started making their cataclysmic predictions that global manmade pollutants will catastrophically rise global temperatures to the point of killing off crops, mankind and other species – not to mention diminishing habitable land by rising sea levels due to melting icecaps.
A prominent feature of all climate model projections is their prediction that temperatures should be rising in response to ever-increasing concentrations of ‘greenhouse gases.’
However, for the past two decades, global surface air temperatures have not warmed to the degree predicted by the models, which lack of warming has been a conundrum to the climate alarmist movement.
SEATTLE, WA—With responses ranging from “squirming in discomfort” to “completely discouraged from studying science and engineering,” a nationwide poll group of high school-age girls revealed Tuesday that the nation’s young women are being utterly creeped out by scientists twice their age constantly attempting to lure them into the study of science, technology, engineering, and math.