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A New Theory of Gravity?

Written by Herb Rose

The problems with the force of gravity are that it doesn’t work in a manner similar to any other forces and there isn’t enough observable mass to explain reality without creating dark matter.

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Climate Change Fears Akin To The 1980’s Nuclear Winter Scare

Written by S Fred Singer

Fear of a catastrophic nuclear winter gripped much of the media and political establishments, much the way fear of global warming/climate change does today.

If you are under fifty years of age, you probably never heard of Nuclear Winter.  Even if you are older, you may not remember what it was all about.  Popular issues go up to a peak suddenly and then just fade away slowly, according to a 1972 paradigm by Anthony Downs.

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South African Sea Levels 3 Meters Higher 5,000 Years Ago

Written by Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt (German text translated/edited by P Gosselin)

Today’s topic: Sea level rise around Africa. There, the sea level is rising there like everywhere else. Already during the last warm phase, the Medieval Warm Period (WMP), sea level rose.

That makes sense because during the warm phases ice melts at the poles and high mountains glaciers. But what was the case during the Little Ice Age as the glaciers expanded?

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The Climatologians’ Credo

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

The internet news is awash with doom-and-gloom articles about the climate. Scenarios predicting ever more frequent weather events, like hurricanes, droughts, catastrophic rainfalls, and more millions of migrants from impoverished countries (often termed “refugees”), or none of the above, are all blamed – squarely – on “climate change” supposedly caused by the 0.04{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere.

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Meanwhile, In The Arctic…

Written by Tyler Durden

In a development that could further advantage OPEC members as they step up production to compensate for falling exports out of Venezuela and (potentially) Iran, the Barents Observer is reporting that two of Russia’s largest Arctic out-shipment points for oil and LNG have become “packed with ice” leaving tankers and carriers stranded in the “paralyzed” area, which hasn’t been this packed with ice at midsummer in four years.

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Failing Tesla Cars Condemned for ‘Insanity’

Written by Tyler Durden

Bears and bulls alike following Tesla’s gripping nailbiter of a story – the company has until the end of the month to pump out 5,000 Model 3 sedans a week – both agree on one thing: the output of the company’s new “tent” structure which Musk erected recently to produce Model 3 vehicles is going to decide whether or not the company hits its production goal that it has touted over the last couple of months.

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‘I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This’: Astronomers on Epic Supernova

Written by John O'Sullivan

Respected Indian nuclear scientist finally recognized for ground-breaking discovery after 235-U fission takes place in supernova.

Dr MA Padmanabha Rao is already known for his cutting-edge nuclear physics. His dedicated personal research uncovered unexpected new phenomenon in light emissions from X-ray sources, science that lies at the intersection of nuclear and X-ray physics and atomic spectroscopy.

The Washington Post has now picked up on how significant Dr Rao’s work is, especially in light of the extraordinary supernova recently spotted by astronomers in Hawaii.

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Presenting a No Nonsense Climate Debate

Written by John O'Sullivan

It is widely being recognized the man-made global warming debate is in fact a three-sided argument between alarmists, lukewarmers and real skeptics. Here we test the weak scientific arguments of lukewarmers. This group claim to be skeptics yet persist in defending the now discredited greenhouse gas theory (which claims CO2 is the climate control knob). 

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Is Gene Editing the New Name for Eugenics?

Written by F. William Engdahl

A major new technology known as Gene Editing has gained significant attention in recent months. Its advocates claim it will revolutionize everything from agriculture production to disease treatment.

None other than Bill Gates has just come out in an article in the US foreign policy magazine Foreign Affairs in praise of the promise of gene editing. Yet a closer investigation suggests that all is not so ideal with Gene Editing. New peer reviewed studies suggest it could cause cancer.

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