SURFRAD data indicates that thin cloud does not hinder the cooling of earth’s surface in any way.
Record Temperature Result of Cloud (revised, updated)
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause (Chemistry)
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause (Chemistry)
SURFRAD data indicates that thin cloud does not hinder the cooling of earth’s surface in any way.
Written by Tyler Durden
To convince skeptics and naysayers the Chinese company that was the focus of international headlines after unveiling its “laser AK-47” that it claimed can set fire to a target from nearly a kilometer away has released a video of the weapon being tested as proof of its capability.
Written by Matt Williams
The Cassini orbiter revealed many fascinating things about the Saturn system before its mission ended in September of 2017.
In addition to revealing much about Saturn’s rings and the surface and atmosphere of Titan (Saturn’s largest moon), it was also responsible for the discovery of water plumes coming from Enceladus‘ southern polar region.
Written by Baxter Dmitry
The scientist widely known as the “Father of Global Warming” has admitted for the first time that data used to promote his climate change theory was false and fraudulently manipulated by Al Gore to suit an agenda.
Written by Donna Laframboise
SPOTLIGHT: There’s no such thing as a ‘balance of nature.’ BIG PICTURE: A prominent theme of ecologist Daniel Botkin’s latest book, 25 Myths That Are Destroying the Environment, is that the natural world is more sophisticated than we imagine.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Very recent scientific publications show that the North Atlantic heat content and surface temperatures have been cooling significantly, and so may lead to a rebound in Arctic sea ice in the region.
Written by Michael Bastasch
U.K. meteorologists won’t be declaring a June 28 temperature reading as the hottest recorded in Scotland since the early 20th century after discovering a car parked near the weather station may have contaminated the data.
Written by Ivan Couronne
Written by Geraint Hughes
[Sarcasm alert!] Brought to man-kind through Climatology Science Investigative Computer Model Predictive Knowledge of all things in the Entire Universe. (Sponsored by the UN and EU)
Written by Hans Schreuder
Written by Pierre Gosselin
Researchers have published four new papers this year showing that both tropical cyclone activity and intensity have declined over the past decades.
The findings mean atmospheric scientists and policymakers will need to reassess positions on climate change and tropical storms.
Written by Ross McKitrick & John Christy
Written by Academy of Finland
Lasers that emit ultrashort pulses of light are critical components of technologies, such as communications and industrial processing, and have been central to fundamental Nobel Prize-winning research in physics.
Written by
Written by Anthony Bright-Paul
Really, you’ve got to laugh! Every sceptic scientist in the world must surely be crying their eyes out with laughter. Why? There are headlines in all the papers – we are running short of CO2. Supermarkets have not enough fizzy drinks in this heat wave, beer is in danger, and worse there is trouble with crumpet.
Written by Tony Heller
Another Hollywierd moron confuses weather with climate.