Author Archive

The Ten Bulbs Bulb

Written by Geraint Hughes

[Sarcasm alert!] Brought to man-kind through Climatology Science Investigative Computer Model Predictive Knowledge of all things in the Entire Universe. (Sponsored by the UN and EU)

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Not All Radiation Causes Heat

Written by Hans Schreuder

Not all radiation will de facto add energy to any matter it comes across. It is a widespread misconception that also underlies the wrong idea about earth’s atmosphere sending heat to the surface via the re-radiation of energy off molecules such as water vapor and carbon dioxide and making the surface warmer than it was in the first place.

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How lasers start from chaos

Written by Academy of Finland

Lasers that emit ultrashort pulses of light are critical components of technologies, such as communications and industrial processing, and have been central to fundamental Nobel Prize-winning research in physics.

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CO2 in Crisis!

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Really, you’ve got to laugh! Every sceptic scientist in the world must surely be crying their eyes out with laughter. Why? There are headlines in all the papers – we are running short of CO2. Supermarkets have not enough fizzy drinks in this heat wave, beer is in danger, and worse there is trouble with crumpet.

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