Senior Google research scientist has quit the company in protest over its plan to launch a censored version of its search engine in China.
Jack Poulson worked for Google’s research and machine intelligence department, where he was focused on improving the accuracy of the company’s search systems.
[PSI Editor’s note: this article is posted as an example of climate cult lunacy, we in no way endorse the claims herein]
At this time of year, stargazers in the southern hemisphere can see a constellation that marks a time of remembrance, celebration and renewal. It’s called Pleiades – known as the Seven Sisters, or Matariki to New Zealanders. It has a similar name (and significance) in other Pacific cultures, from the early Polynesian word mataliki, meaning minute, small.
Study finds that the heat stored in the continental crust shows that the currently existing climate changes are caused by natural origin, not mankind.
We developed a recursive procedure, which allows estimation of the part of solar energy accumulated in the Earth ́s crust and estimation of the halftime of the heat radiation/accumulation parameter.
This kind of parameter can show time during which one half of the accumulated energy is released back to space. The theoretical relationships were verified by the long-term pedology measurements.
BUSTED: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) simply assumes nature treats human-produced and nature-produced carbon dioxide differently. This assumption is wrong because it violates the Equivalence Principle.
Dr. Richard Lindzen: The time history of such matters as droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and temperature extremes is well recorded by official bodies like NOAA, and display no systematic increase. Indeed, some, like hurricanes, appear to be decreasing. These trends have been documented by R. Pielke, Jr., and even the IPCC has acknowledged the absence of significant associations with warming.
Fall is officially upon us with the passing of Labor Day. Fall is also hurricane season which means not only football jerseys coming out of the closet, but the hackneyed global-warming doomsday predictions.
THE global warming climate change scare has almost nothing to do with the environment or “Saving The Planet”. Rather, its roots lie in a misanthropic agenda engineered by the environmental movement of the mid 1970’s, who realised that doing something about claimed man-made “global warming” would play to quite a number of the Left’s social agendas.
Written by Robert A. Beatty BE (Minerals) FAusIMM(CP)
ABSTRACT: The document is an artistic interpretation of the paper Great Dividing Range Wind Pumping Sites,1 and includes a mosaic of innovative engineering techniques. Methodologies include; Fuselage Turbine, Electric Siphon, Dry Land Irrigation, Overburden Slusher, and Off Stream Reservoir maintenance and construction. References lead to engineering reports covering each topic. The examples cited are Australian in nature, but the techniques illustrated have international application.
A lot of people have said they remember the summer of 1976 being hotter than this year. And they would be right. According to CET data, at their peak temperatures went much higher and for longer than they did this summer.
The only factor that kept the two summer remotely close was that in 1976 temperatures fell away during the middle of July to below average for a while.
Global tree canopy cover increased by 2.24 million square kilometers (865,000 square miles) between 1982 and 2016, reports a new study in Nature. These new findings contradict earlier studies that reported a continuing net loss of forest cover. —Ronald Bailey, Reason Online, 4 September 2018
The latest in science scandals: a small, closed group of self-glorifying and like-minded climate scientists has been caught awarding each other prizes and money in a clear abuse of ethics.
If there were a prize for science nepotism, this year it would have to go to: RealClimate, namely the following scientists:
A software engineering expert and leading blogger on climate analyzed the “How Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born?” page by the New York Times and concludes it’s a “massive fraud.”
Tony Heller’s Youtube video analysis so far has been viewed over 12,000 times since it came online two days ago.
The mainstream media – and even Fox News – are trumpeting a newly published study asserting “climate change” played a large role in the demise and disappearance of Neanderthals in Europe.
Relying on climate data coincidental with the demise of Neanderthals, the study’s authors argue that consensus science may be wrong in its belief that early modern humans exterminated Neanderthals.
Midwestern USHCN stations have recorded 17,772 June/July/August measurements over 100 degrees since 1895, including 2,624 in 1936 alone. This year there were only eight measurements over 100 degrees.
The frequency and intensity of hot summer afternoons in the Midwest have plummeted since the 19th century.
Magnetic field lines. a, North polar view; b, south polar view; c, equatorial view. The non-dipolar nature of the magnetic field in the northern hemisphere and the dipolar nature in the southern hemisphere is apparent. The equatorial view …more
A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.S., including NASA and a pair from Denmark has found that Jupiter’s magnetic field is quite different from Earth’s.
In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes their study of the planet using data from the Juno spacecraft, and what they found. Chris Jones, with the University of Leeds, offers a News and Views piece on the work done by the team in the same journal issue.
Modern physics began with Newton and his theory of gravity. There were many notable scientists/philosophers before him who made significant advances but it was Newton who created physics as we know it today. Copernicus developed the heliocentric solar system and established the importance of having theory conform to observations.