Author Archive

The Myth Of A Climate Crisis

Written by Ben Pile

At the beginning of every autumn, as we approach the peak of the hurricane season and the lowest Arctic sea-ice extent, we have to endure a deluge of media hysteria and doom-laden reports about climate change.

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Climate Change Again

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Oh, what a bore – I still hear the bleat ‘Tackling Climate Change’. These words climate change have become so threadbare that they are now utterly meaningless. Am I wrong? Is it clear to just about everybody except me? And have I missed something?

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Former Scientist Slams ‘Unethical’ Google

Written by Charlie Nash

Google china Office
Getty/ Liu Jin

Jack Poulson, a former senior research scientist at Google, sent a letter to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation calling the company “unethical” and stating that oversight of the company is “urgently needed” after resigning from the Silicon Valley titan over its censored China search project.

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Hayabusa 2 rovers send new images from Ryugu surface

Written by Paul Rincon

RyuguImage copyright JAXA

Japan’s space agency (Jaxa) has released new images from the robot rovers it has deployed to the surface of an asteroid.

The photos reveal new details of the surface of the space rock, which is known as Ryugu. On 21 September, the rovers were released on to the surface by the “mothership”, Hayabusa 2. Hayabusa 2 reached Ryugu in June after a three-and-a-half-year journey.

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The Dangers Of ‘Settled Science’

Written by Dr Brian Joondeph

Science is in a constant state of flux. Theories are put forth to explain natural phenomena, based on the best knowledge of the day. These theories are tested.

If they correctly predict future observations, the theories become more credible. If, however, these theories fail to predict accurately, they require modification or outright dismissal.

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Sub-surface life on Mars IS possible

Written by Katyanna Quach


In a double dose of Martian research, scientists believe that the planet once had the right environmental conditions to support life underground and its moons may have been born from an ancient collision.

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The BBC’s Naive View Of The UN’s Climate Machine

Written by Donna Laframboise

SPOTLIGHT: Bureaucracies put their trust in other bureaucracies. BIG PICTURE: A few weeks back, Joanne Nova perfectly captured the position of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) regarding the scandalous UN entity known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

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The Orwellian Era Of NASA Climate Pseudoscience

Written by Jamie Spry

NASA Climate Change Pseudoscience CLIMATISM.png

HE who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell

BEFORE NASA climate was captured by radical environmentalists (Hansen/Schmidt et al) and sold their soul to the widely debunked “97% of scientists believe that CO2 is the climate control knob” groupthink virus, they knew perfectly well that the sun controlled Earth’s climate.

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Scientific Proof the Greenhouse Gas Theory is wrong

Written by WND

A new paper has been published recently in the journal “Environment Pollution and Climate Change,” was written by Ned Nikolov, a Ph.D. in physical science, and Karl Zeller, retired Ph.D. research meteorologist. The paper argues that the basic science behind Global Warming is incorrect.

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