The debate on nuclear power has been pretty quiet in the Netherlands, as elsewhere, in recent years. Plans for the construction of new plants have been canceled. And the new Climate Agreement doesn’t even mention the nuclear option.
Technocrats have darkened hearts just like everyone else, but they soon discovered how to use the mantra of ‘science’ to trick and deceive. The Washington swamp displayed all its corruption skills with lies, deceptions, misrepresentations, and deliberate creation of deceit, during the Kavanaugh hearings.
In comments that laid bare the hidden agenda behind global warming alarmism, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, let slip during a February 2015 press conference in Brussels that the U.N.’s real purpose in pushing climate hysteria is to end capitalism throughout the world:
The climate alarmists just can’t catch a break. NASA is reporting that the sun is entering one of the deepest Solar Minima of the Space Age and Earth’s atmosphere is responding in kind.
So, start pumping out that CO2, everyone. We’re going to need all the greenhouse gases we can get.
The Earth is currently surrounded by debris launched into space over several decades. This space junk can collide with satellites and not only cause damage to spacecraft but also result in further debris being created.
The sun is entering perhaps one of the deepest Solar Minima in thousands of years. Sunspots have been absent for most of 2018. This is really alarming. Since the start of 2018, there have been totally spotless days for weeks. The sun’s ultraviolet output has sharply declined and this is not going to end well.
CIA operative and alleged sex assault victim, Professor Christine Blasey-Ford walked right into the perjury trap set for her by prosecutor Rachel Mitchell on Capitol Hill.
Ford lied to the US Senate last Thursday to hide her expertise in how to beat a lie detector test. She now likely faces prosecution and up to five years in federal prison.
Many people think that only astronauts have to worry about cosmic radiation. Not so. Ordinary air travelers are exposed to cosmic rays, too. On a typical flight over the continental USA, radiation dose rates in economy class are more than 40 times higher than on the ground below.
Dr. Brian Wansink recently resigned from his position as Columbia University professor, eating behavior researcher and director of the Cornell “food lab.” A faculty investigation found that he had misreported research data, failed to preserve data and results properly, and employed dubious statistical techniques.
Magnificent exposure of what controls humanity lies in what the controllers did to two of humanity’s brightest stars, Nikola Tesla and Viktor Shauberger. Both men got the same fundamental treatment by the power status quo (PSQ) trying to protect their established science and technology…trying to protect their power.
Image copyright UNI WATERLOOImage caption Dr Strickland shared the prize for discoveries in laser physics
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to a woman for the first time in 55 years.
Donna Strickland, from Canada, is only the third woman winner of the award, along with Marie Curie, who won in 1903, and Maria Goeppoert-Mayer, who was awarded the prize in 1963. Dr Strickland shares this year’s prize with Arthur Ashkin, from the US, and Gerard Mourou, from France.
More unbelievable guesswork in the linked article on gyroscopic wobble of the earth. This whole blame game starts with the premise that man is the cause of every change on earth, and it’s all bad. Now the pseudo-scientists go out to find evidence in support of their premise.
Lab experiments and observations of high-pressure minerals from a subduction zone suggest that when ocean crust sinks into the mantle through subduction, the carbonates and water react to form light hydrocarbons.
In an interview with the online German Augsburger Allgemeine (AA), former director of the the alarmist Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Prof. Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber, made some claims that have raised some eyebrows.
In order to avoid giving ‘false balance’ to the climate alarmists at the BBC, I thought it would be a good idea to fact-check their new internal guidance on climate change. This is their totalitarian memorandum aimed at stamping out free scientific discourse, on the basis that certain facts are established beyond dispute.