Even though the latest UN IPCC report reveals that there is no evidence for increased severity of hurricanes, the fake news media relentless promotes the lie that storms are getting worse.
World-renowned skeptic climatologist Dr Tim Ball gives a no-nonsense radio interview to Canada’s CFRA radio host, Brian Lilley, to set the record straight.
So the very first sentence of the SR15 Summary for Policy Makers, after the Introduction, consists of a statement which is not well supported by the totality of the available scientific literature and which is at odds with the IPCC’s own findings in the AR5 Working Group 1 Report of just 5 years ago! Not a good start. —Climate Scepticism, 9 October 2018
Most commonly these days, the CCS acronym stands for: “Carbon Capture and Storage” – as you can surmise from the title above, I have a slightly different interpretation of “CCS.”
“Carbon” – whatever
Of course, all this nonsense of “Carbon” storage, etc. really refers to “carbon dioxide” and not to elemental carbon as in coal or diamonds, nor to carbon-containing fuels.
Neuroscientists have successfully hooked up a three-way brain connection to allow three people share their thoughts – and in this case, play a Tetris-style game. The team thinks this wild experiment could be scaled up to connect whole networks of people, and yes, it’s as weird as it sounds.
A new paper in the Journal of Geophysical Research documents “remarkably different” land temperatures from one instrumental dataset to another. In some regions, there is as much as a 0.8°C conflict in recorded temperature anomalies for CRU, NASA, BEST, and NOAA.
Assume for the sake of argument that everything environmentalists say about global warming is true. If that’s the case, then there is no chance of stopping it. That’s what’s the latest UN report on global warming clearly demonstrates.
Written by Krystle Barbour, University of Minnesota Medical School
Laura J. Niedernhofer and Paul D. Robbins Credit: University of Minnesota Medical School
Scientists proved it is possible to reduce the burden of damaged cells, termed senescent cells, and extend lifespan and improve health, even when treatment was initiated late in life.
The research is published in Nature Medicine involving University of Minnesota Medical School faculty Paul D. Robbins and Laura J. Niedernhofer and Mayo Clinic investigators James L. Kirkland and Tamara Tchkonia,
They now have shown that treatment of aged mice with the natural product Fisetin, found in many fruits and vegetables, also has significant positive effects on health and lifespan.
Vacuums make for good insulation because there are few collisions between molecules where heat can be transferred by conduction, which is a fast efficient way of transferring energy, and in gases it is primarily done by radiation, which is a slow inefficient means of transferring energy.
In its latest hysterical bulletin, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has urged that we need to spend $2.4 trillion a year between now and 2035 to avoid the potentially catastrophic consequences of ‘climate change.’
The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change’s (IPCC) newly-released climate report, once again, found little to no evidence global warming caused many types of extreme weather events to increase.
First, a disclaimer: I am not a climate scientist. In fact, I am not a scientist of any kind. But I do have a degree in electrical engineering, which I mention only to point out that I am at least as qualified as the next non-scientist to form rational opinions about global warming claims.
A record-low 759 tornadoes formed in the U.S. so far this year, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Storm Prediction Center (SPC).
Through Oct. 3 of this year, SPC recorded two fewer tornadoes than the previous record-low of 761.
The IPCC is preparing to release a “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC.”
That sentence alone should be enough to make everyone within earshot duck for cover from the coming barrage of climate-related doomporn. But, sadly, half of the public will actively cheer the occasion and the other half will have no idea what is even happening.
New experiment proves the greenhouse gas theory is bogus and thus there is zero scientific proof of man-made global warming.
The radiative greenhouse gas effect theory (GHE) is what underpins the science of man-made global warming theory. It insists our planet radiates at a defined rate as a blackbody (BB) to create an ‘energy loop’ in the atmosphere.
Below we detail the experiment to prove there is no such BB energy for that to occur and it is therefore time to abandon the failed climate theory.
The first ever audit of the world’s most important temperature data set has found it to be so riddled with errors that it is effectively useless.
HadCRUT4 is the primary dataset used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to make its dramatic claims about “man-made global warming”, to justify its demands for trillions of dollars to be spent on “combating climate change” and as the basis for the Paris Climate Accord.