A British-assembled satellite has been launched into space to make the first truly global maps of wind behaviour.
The Aeolus spacecraft will get its data by firing a powerful laser down into the atmosphere to trace the movement of air particles.
Written by Jonathan Amos
A British-assembled satellite has been launched into space to make the first truly global maps of wind behaviour.
The Aeolus spacecraft will get its data by firing a powerful laser down into the atmosphere to trace the movement of air particles.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
How does that news grab you: New research suggests evolution might favor ‘survival of the laziest’ found at https://phys.org/news/2018-08-evolution-favor-survival-laziest.html ).
That’s what I call important news! Laziness to the Fore! Who could possibly resist such critical new findings?
Written by John Hayward
The grim saga of Changsheng Biotechnology continues to roil China with news Wednesday that the embattled pharmaceutical firm produced a second huge batch of substandard vaccine doses for children, doubling the number of doses originally estimated.
Written by climate depot
A University in Sweden has set up what it claims is the “world’s first global research network looking into climate change denial.” Chalmers University of Technology is seeking to explore “connections between conservatism, xenophobia, and climate change denial.”
Written by John Stossel
YouTube just added an “information panel” to all my videos about climate change. We at Stossel TV do weekly videos on many controversial topics, but apparently, YouTube thinks climate change is special.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
As the heat and drought peaked across northern Europe in early August, the media became chock-full of climate doom stories of how the heat and drought were all sure signs of a tipping planet, always citing the ever-reliable doomsday scientists.
Written by Herb Rose
When people talk of the Earth what they are usually referring to is the very thin layer that we are familiar with. The Earth is not the just the upper layer of the crust and the troposphere but is the entire system consisting of the entire atmosphere and the entire solid Earth.
When they speak of the Earth radiating heat they are thinking of heat loss from the surface of the planet. This is wrong because the surface of the Earth is the coolest part of it.
Written by Paul Rincon
Scientists say they have definitive evidence for water-ice on the surface of the Moon. The ice deposits are found at both the north and south poles, and are likely to be ancient in origin.
The result comes from an instrument on India’s Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft, which explored the Moon between 2008 and 2009.
Written by University of Bristol
A new study led by scientists from the University of Bristol has used a combination of genomic and fossil data to explain the history of life on Earth, from its origin to the present day.
Palaeontologists have long sought to understand ancient life and the shared evolutionary history of life as a whole.
Written by PSI Staff
Online broadcaster Jim Fetzer, in his ‘The Real Deal’ program (8-16-18) does a Skype interview with Joseph A Olson PE on the topic of junk climate science.
Titled ‘Unmasking Climaclownology’ this 22-minute video takes viewers through various examples of historic climate change where it is proven modern day ‘global warming’ is neither exceptional or outside of what constitutes natural variation.
Written by Jason Hopkins
The rising popularity of electric vehicles and other technology caused a surge in demand for cobalt, a metal that is mostly found in Africa, where miners are reportedly working in horrific conditions.
The growing market for electric-powered automobiles, smartphones, and other high-tech devices have made for unintended consequences halfway around the world.
Written by Robert L Bradley Jr
The Onion’s recent satire on climate science, “Climate Researchers Warn Only Hope For Humanity Now Lies In Possibility They Making All Of This Up,” presents a paradox worth solving.
Written by Geraint Hughes
“How Waters multi-layered sub-surface absorbance coupled with its skin surface emissivity & evaporation acts to raise average equilibrium temperatures above standard black body calculations.”
The “Watery Planet Effect” is the true effect which is occurring on planet Earth, which explains why the experienced average temperature differs from the standard black body calculated average temperature of 255K, with an emissivity of 1 and a solar absorptivity of 0.7 (0.3 Albedo). (A / E Ratio of 0.7) rather than some “fictitious” greenhouse effect.
Written by Tom de Castella
It is 200 years ago since the last “frost fair” – an impromptu festival on a frozen Thames, complete with dancing, skittles and temporary pubs. Could such hedonism be repeated today?
Londoners stood on the Thames eating gingerbread and sipping gin. The party on the frozen river had begun on 1 February and would carry on for another four days.
Written by Katyanna Quach
The oldest rock formations on Earth were born when meteorites pummelled into the ground over four billion years ago, according to a Nature Geoscience paper published last week.
Written by beforeitsnews.com
The bright flashes that lit up the evening skies near Detroit, Michigan earlier this year were not the only signs of the meteor that disintegrated in the atmosphere on 17 January 2018.
The meteor explosion was also captured by infrasonic microphones and seismometers, offering a rare chance to compare these data with satellite and ground camera images.