The BBC recently issued a document telling its journalists how to approach climate stories. That document treats the findings of a UN entity known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as gospel.
Japan’s space agency (Jaxa) has released new images from the robot rovers it has deployed to the surface of an asteroid.
The photos reveal new details of the surface of the space rock, which is known as Ryugu. On 21 September, the rovers were released on to the surface by the “mothership”, Hayabusa 2. Hayabusa 2 reached Ryugu in June after a three-and-a-half-year journey.
[PSI Editor’s note: Independent climate scientists yet again affirm that ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon:Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory‘ (2010) was correct – CO2 is innocent, atmospheric pressure better explains earth’s surface temperature]:
Science is in a constant state of flux. Theories are put forth to explain natural phenomena, based on the best knowledge of the day. These theories are tested.
If they correctly predict future observations, the theories become more credible. If, however, these theories fail to predict accurately, they require modification or outright dismissal.
Three prominent US scientists have been pushed to resign over the past 10 days after damning revelations about their methods, a sign of greater vigilance and decreasing tolerance for misconduct within the research community.
In a double dose of Martian research, scientists believe that the planet once had the right environmental conditions to support life underground and its moons may have been born from an ancient collision.
People are overthinking and over-analyzing Arctic Ice extents, and getting wrapped around the axle (or should I say axis). So let’s keep it simple and we can all readily understand what is happening up North.
SPOTLIGHT: Bureaucracies put their trust in other bureaucracies. BIG PICTURE: A few weeks back, Joanne Nova perfectly captured the position of the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) regarding the scandalous UN entity known as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Paper Reviewed: Davis, W.J. 2017. The relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperature for the last 425 million years. Climate5: 76; doi: 10.3390/cli5040076.
NEW YORK (AP) — A prominent Cornell University food researcher resigned after an investigation found he committed academic misconduct, including misreporting data, the school announced Thursday.
A new paper has been published recently in the journal “Environment Pollution and Climate Change,” was written by Ned Nikolov, a Ph.D. in physical science, and Karl Zeller, retired Ph.D. research meteorologist. The paper argues that the basic science behind Global Warming is incorrect.
One of the most dramatic weather phenomena on our planet is a stratospheric sudden warming: an abrupt change in the Arctic winter stratosphere in which temperatures can spike by as much as 90°F over a few days.
The German ADAC association, the equivalent of America’s AAA, carried a CO2 comparison for a variety e-autos and combustion engine cars. The results were very surprising, says German magazine Autobild here.