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NASA scientist says Aliens may have visited Earth

Written by Chris Ciaccia

NASA was set up in part to find traces of extraterrestrial life in the universe. While the government space agency has yet to find any definitive evidence that extraterrestrials exist, one NASA scientist believes we may have already been visited by them here on Earth.

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Radiation Balance and Transparent Media – 3

Written by C. (Kees) le Pair

In a radiation field a transparent medium behaves unlike an opaque. That is important for the earth’s climate. 70{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} of the earth’s surface is ocean. Just like the atmosphere, this is a transparent medium. So transparency is worth considering. In addition the heat content of the ocean is significantly greater than that of the atmosphere.

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Strange global seismic waves baffle scientists

Written by ABC News

A mysterious ripple of seismic waves has travelled thousands of kilometres across the globe, tripping sensors throughout Africa, Canada, New Zealand, and Hawaii, seemingly without being felt by a single person.

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Climate, Green Plants and Oxygen

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

By using the energy of sunlight, plants can convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates and oxygen in a process called photosynthesis. As photosynthesis requires sunlight, this process only happens during the day.

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Sea Level Fraudsters Reveal Their Intentions

Written by Tony Heller

I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that … this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal. —Barack Obama June 3, 2008.

The purpose of the sea level rise scam is to confiscate property from people who live near the beach.

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The Confusion over Trapping Heat

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

A good friend of mine goes almost apoplectic as he insists that he traps heat in order to grow his tomatoes in his Greenhouse.

The confusion arises because in any confined space, be it a glasshouse, a hut or a room, it is possible to raise the temperature whilst heat is being generated.

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Russia to Check if Moon Landings were Faked

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US astronaut Buzz Aldrin salutes the American flag on the surface of the Moon after he and fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first men to land on the Moon. © Reuters / NASA

Have the Americans been on the Moon or it’s just a hoax as conspiracy theorists claim? All questions will be answered when the Russian cosmonauts visit the Earth’s satellite, Russia’s space boss, promised.

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Huge Hydrogen Generation Found Beneath Earth’s Mantle

Written by Science China Press

Splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen is a major theme in the development of clean, abundant energy source.

A new study led by an international research group revealed that when water meets the iron core of the Earth, the extremely high pressures and temperatures existing at the core-mantle boundary can naturally cause water to split into hydrogen and a super oxidized iron dioxide.

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