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The Crisis in Physical Science and What Can Be Done About It

Written by Stephen Crothers

Contemporary astronomy and cosmology are so burdened with abstruse mathematics and bewildering ideas that it is not surprising that any interested person, student, professional, or layman alike, finds it well nigh impossible to navigate through the vast literature, let alone gain an understanding of it.

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Are climate skeptics targets of counter-intelligence programs?

Written by William Walter Kay BA LLB

There was no “climate change conspiracy.” After the 1973 oil price shock many Western governments committed to reducing their countries’ dependence on petroleum.

These commitments included initiatives promoting alternative energy. Programs were announced in broad daylight, without reference to climate change.

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Sea Level Speculations in Honolulu and Macau

Written by Albert Parker

ABSTRACT: It has been claimed in the press, based on speculations from a not even peer-reviewed report in one case, and one tabloid-like science peer-reviewed paper in the other, that the sea levels may rise of 50 cm by 2060 in Macau, and 0.91 metre by 2050 in Honolulu.

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Are Elon Musk’s SpaceX Capsules Contaminating the ISS?

Written by Tyler Durden

Capsules from Musk’s SpaceX, containing spare food and parts that are being delivered to the International Space Station on the company’s Falcon 9 rockets, may be doing far more harm than good, according to a new report from Wired. These deliveries – called Dragon capsules – may be contaminating the space station by outgassing the second that they arrive.

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Weather Channel: November 2018 Coldest in 50 Years

Written by Martin Armstrong

The Weather Channel just declared that North America just had its most extensive November snow cover in at least a Half-Century.

We really face Global Cooling as this is now the third winter which this is becoming the colder with each passing year.

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Are You Really Eating Zinced Chocolate?

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

That’s not a typo; I do mean “zinced,” not “zinked.” And, right up front, for chocolate aficionados, “zinced chocolate” may be quite tasty, but not necessarily something you really need, despite some purveyor’s claims of potentially prolonging life, slowing-down the aging process, preventing “oxidative stress,” and other benefits.

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Solar storm predicted for TODAY threatens BLACK OUT

Written by Sean Martin

Earth could be plunged into darkness with solar winds having the power to affect satellites, knocking out GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says there is a 45 percent chance that a solar storm could hit Earth.

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Ocean circulation in North Atlantic at its weakest

Written by University of Hong Kong

University of Hong Kong study finds dramatic weakening of the circulation during the 20th century that is interpreted to be a direct consequence of global warming and associated melt of the Greenland Ice-Sheet.

The research co-led by Drs. Christelle Not and Benoit Thibodeau from the Department of Earth Sciences and the Swire Institute of Marine Science,

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The Climate Change Ignorance of Millenials

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If the hair doesn’t go up on the back of your neck when reading this sort of thing, it damn well should.

It was a moment of the kind that changes lives. At a press conference held by climate activists Extinction Rebellion last week, two of us journalists pressed the organisers on whether their aims were realistic. They have called, for example, for UK carbon emissions to be reduced to net zero by 2025. Wouldn’t it be better, we asked, to pursue some intermediate aims?

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