The opportunity to write articles for PSI came about through a chance encounter on a Facebook Climate Change debating page with John O’Sullivan who is the co founder of the organisation. He and I found ourselves debating someone with much more scientific credentials than ourselves and he liked the things I had to say enough to offer to share them with his readers.
BONJOUR, i.e. the company Téo Taxi, a new kind of taxi service in Montreal, Quebec, with the common French term for “Hello” (“Bonjour”), literally meaning “GOOD DAY” on its cars has shut down operation. Just when demand was rising due the cold temperatures in the city.
The experts are telling us that the Midwest could experience the coldest weather that it has ever seen this week.
Wind chill temperatures of -40 and -50 degrees will be common throughout the region, and it is being projected that some spots will actually get hit by wind chill temperatures of up to -60 degrees.
America enjoys a winter filled with tons of snow and frigid cold weather and out pops the Climate Hoaxsters to assure us this kind of weather only further proves our planet is getting, um… warmer.
The media is once again pushing the narrative that global warming is behind extreme winter cold. However, many scientists disagree with this theory and there’s little evidence to back it up.
Cold waves have lessened over the past 50 years,” said one scientist.
An inescapable scientific fact can be shown to contradict a major assertion in greenhouse gas theory ‘physics.’
If you take two bodies of matter that are identical in every way except for temperature and connect them together so that heat can flow by radiation or conduction, the resulting temperature at thermal equilibrium will be the average of the two temperatures, not the sum of the two temperatures.
If you haven’t seen it yet this is a ‘must watch’ video of Professor Don Easterbrook destroying climate alarmism. Recorded at the Washington State Senate committee on Climate Change (March 26, 2013).
Potentially record-breaking temperatures are headed towards large swaths of the Midwest this week, bringing bitterly cold conditions that government weather services warn could be life-threatening — and even more frigid than some of the planet’s arctic regions.
John Cook tries to attack skeptics for their savage jokes about cold spells. Go for it, John: we’ll believe you when you when you stop publishing stories about single hot days and tell Ph.D.’s they shouldn’t harp on about random noise like heat waves:
Recent discovery of a fundamental mistake in the physics of heat explained below suggests that greenhouse-warming theory may not only be mistaken, it may not even be physically possible.
Don’t you think we should re-evaluate the science before spending such large amounts of money on junk science?
Concerns about the upcoming launch of 5G radio telecommunications technology has prompted a mass petition against the move on safety grounds by thousands of scientists and related professionals.
Russian scientists have made a new borehole into Lake Vostok, the prehistoric Antarctic water mass, which has been sealed for millions of years – three years after a previous mission was prematurely ended by an accident resulting in sample contamination.
“Heat is work, and work is heat” and “Heat, of itself, cannot pass from one body to a hotter body” are statements of the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics.
In short, Earth cannot heat itself by it’s own radiation and the greenhouse gas theory is an abuse of the above scientific laws.