In late November, the Justice Department unsealed indictments against eight people accused of fleecing advertisers of $36 million in two of the largest digital ad-fraud operations ever uncovered. Digital advertisers tend to want two things: people to look at their ads and “premium” websites — i.e., established and legitimate publications — on which to host them.
The Saltbush Club today announced the formation of the “Saltbush Solar Activity Watch” led by Mr David Archibald. The Executive Director of Saltbush, Mr Viv Forbes, said it was obvious to everyone except school teachers, the ABC, the Greens and the leaders of CSIRO that the sun is the main driver of weather and climate on Earth.
The name “Thunderf00t” is the alias of Phil Mason, (pictured) a British chemist and video blogger who has become well-known for posting YouTube videos that criticize, among other things, pseudoscience.
His day job is as a scientist in the field of chemistry and biochemistry at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. His tongue in cheek, yet starkly accurate criticisms, have earned him nearly 850,000 subscribers on YouTube and an aggregate total of more than 220 million views.
A group of Chinese scientists from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics has published research in the journal Science Advances, which describes how they managed to turn regular copper into a material “almost identical” to gold and silver.
It is not hyperbole to say that Canada was central to creating and mobilizing the false claim of anthropogenic global warming (AGW). The idea that humans were causing runaway global warming originated with the Club of Rome. Formed in 1968 by David Rockefeller, it expanded on the Malthusian idea that the population would outgrow the food supply. The expansion was that world population would outgrow all resources. They made three major assumptions.
At the close of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco (September 14, 2018) twenty-nine foundations signed a communique heralding the “largest climate-related philanthropic commitment ever made.” The foundations pledged $4 billion (over 5 years) to the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (CAGW) campaign. Nat Simons, Sea Change Foundation co-founder, hastened to add:
“The multi-billion commitment announced today is only a down payment.”
Photo: HiRISE captured layered deposits and a bright ice cap at the Martian north pole.
Although it looks like a beautiful mound of snow on the Red Planet, the Korolev crater would be more suited for ice skating than building a snowman. The European Space Agency released an image taken by its Mars Express mission on Thursday, showing the crater filled with water ice.
Every now and then we come across a new journal article that reminds us of the challenges that exist in finding an anthropogenic signal within the near-surface temperature record.
Former Vice President Al Gore made a ruckus at the COP15 climate conference in December 2009 when he said that “some of the models say that there is a 75{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} chance that Arctic sea ice could be completely gone during part of the summer in only five to seven years.”
Now, nine years later, the ice is still there, just like realistic scientists predicted (see image above).
The solstice this year will be extra special because it will be followed the next day by a full moon known as the Cold Moon, and you might be able to see a meteor shower to boot.
MIT researchers have designed an ingestible sensor that can lodge in the stomach for a few weeks and communicate wirelessly with an external device. Credit: Image courtesy of the researchers
Researchers at MIT, Draper, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital have designed an ingestible capsule that can be controlled using Bluetooth wireless technology.
People familiar with the chaos that is weather will agree that seasonal forecasts based merely on computer simulations are highly speculative and involve much guesswork. The quality of their output leaves little to be desired.
Climate researchers are sounding the alarm on a polar vortex that’s predicted to sweep through the U.S.’ east coast later this month and inflict one of the harshest winters in years, The Washington Post reported.
I have sent many letters to MP’s, Councillors and other people and I have noticed a particular theme, from their responses, which has prompted me to write this article.