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Solar Impact On Climate Greater Than Thought

Written by Dr Benny Peiser

solar flare sunspot

new report from the Global Warming Policy Foundation reveals that the solar influence on climate is much larger than is generally recognized.

The report, by Professor Henrik Svensmark of the Danish National Space Institute, outlines some of the remarkable correlations between solar activity and past climate changes.

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DNA breakthrough hints at exotic alien life

Written by NASA

Scientists have synthesized a molecular system that hints at a possible alternative to DNA-based life.

The NASA-funded research aimed to explore the theoretical foundations of life on other worlds by developing alternative ways to store and transmit genetic information.

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Climate Change Theory Is Being Sold On Fear, Not Science

Written by William Lippincott

march protest climate health

I can’t believe I’m still writing about climate change. I’d have stopped long ago were it not for persistent calls to blow up the U.S. economy in order to save the planet.

The cult-like demand for action permeates every part of public life, government, media, academia, even K-12. Rep. Among the draconian policy solutions, Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal would have an enormous negative impact on our economy.

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Gretafication – a new Syndrome

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

To begin with, the title is not a typo. Furthermore, any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental.

As you may have read, there is a new type of virulence afflicting the world, particularly in Europe, i.e. the “Gretafication Syndrome.”

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Global Warming Hoax Pushed by Corrupt Scientists

Written by Joseph E Postma

Greenpeace Founder: Biotech Opposition is Crime Against ...

Says Greenpeace co-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore:

“Fear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two.

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How A Handful of Academic Journals Got Totally Scammed

Written by John Stossel

How A Handful of Academic Journals Got Totally Scammed

If you are an American college professor, the way you get a raise or tenure is by getting papers published in “academic journals.”

The stupidity of these journals says a lot about what’s taught at colleges today.

Recently, three people sent in intentionally ridiculous “research” to prominent journals of women studies, gender studies, race studies, sexuality studies, obesity studies and queer studies.

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Treasure trove of new insects discovered on island

Written by Helen Briggs

Trigonopterus yoda

Trigonopterus yoda: A shiny green beetle named after the Stars Wars character

More than a hundred insect species that are new to science have been discovered on an Indonesian island.

Found in remote rainforests, the tiny beetles appear to have been overlooked for decades. All 103 belong to the same group – weevils.

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Video: 5G Will Blanket Earth in a Mosaic of ‘Cells’

Written by Press For Truth

If you haven’t yet heard of the coming global 5G wifi system you must be living under a rock and if that’s the case…you might be better off!

By blanketing the earth in a mosaic of small geographical areas called “cells” the idea is that when a cell phone or wifi user crosses from one cell to another, his mobile device is automatically “handed off” seamlessly to the antenna in the new cell.

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