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Natural Philosophy—Meteorology—Climatology (2)

Written by Dr Jerry L Krause (Chemistry)

space, Planet, Earth, Atmosphere, Clouds Wallpapers HD ...

Preface:  The subtitle of my previous essay was:  History Is Critically Important!!! Observations Are Critically Important!!! Details Are Critically Important!!!  Which obviously the editor of PSI, John O’Sullivan, correctly considered to be way too long.  Readers of PSI should thank John for his very great efforts to make PSI what it is; as I do.

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Missing Link in Planet Evolution Discovered

Written by National Institutes of Natural Sciences

For the first time ever, astronomers have detected a 1.3 km radius body at the edge of the Solar System. Kilometer sized bodies like the one discovered have been predicted to exist for more than 70 years.

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Visualization of the Gödel universe

Written by M Buser, E Kajari and W P Schleich

Einstein theory of time travel

The standard model of modern cosmology, which is based on the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, allows the definition of an absolute time. However, there exist (cosmological) models consistent with the theory of general relativity for which such a definition cannot be given since they offer the possibility for time travel.

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Global Warming? Nullius in Verba!

Written by Stephen Wells

KEEP CALM AND NULLIUS IN VERBA Poster | ainee | Keep Calm ...

The opportunity to write articles for PSI came about through a chance encounter on a Facebook Climate Change debating page with John O’Sullivan who is the co founder of the organisation. He and I found ourselves debating someone with much more scientific credentials than ourselves and he liked the things I had to say enough to offer to share them with his readers.

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Electric Cars? Good Night BONJOUR!

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

The news is about day and night, especially the latter.

BONJOUR, i.e. the company Téo Taxi, a new kind of taxi service in Montreal, Quebec, with the common French term for “Hello” (“Bonjour”), literally meaning “GOOD DAY” on its cars has shut down operation.  Just when demand was rising due the cold temperatures in the city.

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Climate Collapse: Wind Chill Down to MINUS 60 in US Midwest

Written by Michael Synder

GALLERY: 'Polar vortex' hits US | Newcastle Herald

The experts are telling us that the Midwest could experience the coldest weather that it has ever seen this week.

Wind chill temperatures of -40 and -50 degrees will be common throughout the region, and it is being projected that some spots will actually get hit by wind chill temperatures of up to -60 degrees.

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Heat Flow Science Discredits Greenhouse Gas Theory

Written by Dr. Peter L. Ward (Geophysics)

An inescapable scientific fact can be shown to contradict a major assertion in greenhouse gas theory ‘physics.’

If you take two bodies of matter that are identical in every way except for temperature and connect them together so that heat can flow by radiation or conduction, the resulting temperature at thermal equilibrium will be the average of the two temperatures, not the sum of the two temperatures.

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A Better Explanation of Climate than ‘Greenhouse Gases’

Written by Dr. Peter L. Ward (Geophysics)

Ozone Hole Was Discovered Over Antarctica In Year

Recent discovery of a fundamental mistake in the physics of heat explained below suggests that greenhouse-warming theory may not only be mistaken, it may not even be physically possible.

Don’t you think we should re-evaluate the science before spending such large amounts of money on junk science?

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