World-leading sea-level expert Prof. emeritus Nils Axel Mörner presents some stark examples that show how the IPCC and climate activists are wildly exaggerating their claims of rapid sea level rise.
We have been “advised” by publicly-funded eminent scientists, that the world is heating and will reach catastrophic levels very soon. But independent scientists have found evidence which suggest a new ice age is likely.
The new 5G wireless broadband technology that is said to be rolled out soon for wireless communication everywhere has some people concerned about potential health effects.
In my perception, that concern is not without thought — and not only for human health reasons.
In July 1942, a squadron of six U.S. P-38 fighter planes and two B-17 bombers embarked on a flight mission to England when they were suddenly bombarded by severe weather.
One might have thought that the Met Office would be more gainfully employed spending its vast taxpayer-funded budget doing something useful like trying to spot hurricanes off the south coast.
Snow falls in Hawaii a few times a year in winter on the state’s highest peak, Mauna Kea rising 13,803 elevation in feet, but the white stuff is rarely seen at elevations below 9,000 feet to 10,000 feet.
According to the official narrative: As the global middle class rapidly expands, so too does the worldwide demand for energy and its subsequent carbon footprint.
Global climate change will be one of the greatest, if not the single greatest, challenges of this next century, and one of the few feasible solutions that is generally agreed upon by scientists and politicians alike is a wide-scale transition from the use of traditional fossil fuels to renewable energy resources.
With so much controversy in the climate debate over the reliability of ground level (air) thermometers, is it time to reconsider implementing a better way to adduce our planet’s temperature using the 4,000 ARGO bouys in our oceans (image above)?
Below is a novel approach using ocean temperatures, rather than air temperature to improve reliability.
Is a dangerous population explosion imminent? For decades we’ve been told so by scientific elites, starting with the Club of Rome reports in the 1970s.
(CNN)It was said to resemble a “bowling pin,” and then a “snowman” — but in fact, the recently discovered object four billion miles from Earth looks more like a giant pancake and a dented walnut, NASA has confirmed.
Scientists who made apocalyptic warnings that the sea level could rise more than two meters this century were probably wrong, according to a new assessment.
The planet is cooling. Clearly, this isn’t something the alarmists want you to hear, especially when they’ve got a shiny, expensive, new bridge to sell you with Green New Deal stamped on the side.
During its routine yearly monitoring of the weather on our solar system’s outer planets, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has uncovered a new mysterious dark storm on Neptune and provided a fresh look at a long-lived storm circling around the north polar region on Uranus.
In a previous article for Children’s Health Defense, titled “Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines”, we looked at how it can be true that government agencies are misinforming the public about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
(Natural News) The World Health Organization (WHO) dubbed the Zika virus a global health emergency on Feb. 1, 2016 without detailing much about the disease. In fact, most of the public do not know that it is patented.