Image: Dr Tim Ball giving a TV interview about his meeting with President Trump’s science advisers.
I thought about making this my last article on climate for this or any other website except my own. I planned the action some time ago, but it was the recent headline in the Telegraph that triggered this penultimate move. It said, “Climate change is a risk investors can’t ignore: Black Rock latest to sound the alarm on environment.”
In this video I discuss how if we simply apply the merest degree of critical thinking to climate alarm/change science, we can prove that it has no valid foundations or conclusions whatsoever.
Everything that climate change alarm science predicts and interprets is filtered through their “reducing goggles” of, yes, flat Earth theory.
When pollsters realized that the public and elected officials weren’t buying global warming as a concept or policy, in a brilliant political move, they came up with the phrase “climate change.”
The increasingly unwatchable and slavishly woke BBC plumbed new depths last night. It gave a prime time slot to a piece of environmental propaganda so blatant, shameless, and dishonest it might just as well have been a political broadcast on behalf of Extinction Rebellion.
Esteemed American professor provides fascinating video presentation about why the Bronze Age came to an end and whether the collapse of those ancient civilizations might hold some warnings for our current society.
Russian researchers have found liquid blood and urine inside the frozen carcass of a foal that died 42,000 years ago in Siberia’s Verkhoyansk region.
The animal’s body fluids were extracted during an autopsy and tested in the hope of cloning the extinct species, according to Semyon Grigoriev, director of the Mammoth Museum at Northeastern Federal University (NEFU) in Yakutsk.
New scientific study reveals that organ harvesting is very likely taking place even while patients are still conscious, even though their hearts have stopped beating.
Image copyright IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDONImage caption The arrow on the scan shows where the fabella is – behind the knee
A little bone in the knee scientists thought was being lost to evolution seems to be making a comeback, say experts from Imperial College London.
The fabella is found in some people buried in the tendon just behind their knee. Doctors think it is entirely pointless, and you can happily live without it – many people do. However, people who have arthritis appear more likely to be in possession of a fabella.
You know who the clown is? That clown is a PhD in Geophysics at the University of Chicago! To be a PhD in geophysics requires that you’ve taken advanced-level multi-dimensional calculus including partial differential equations and Fourier Tranforms, have entirely completed classical physics, some computer science courses, courses in statistics, and much more.
Did wildlife filmmakers from the $25 million Netflix series Our Planet accidentally drive a herd of walruses to their deaths – then lie about the incident afterward in order to defend their preferred narrative that the creatures were tragic victims of climate change?
For as long as I can remember, dandelion plants were THE enemy of the city neighbors all around. Any sign of their yellow flowers in the lawn or garden needed to be eradicated by all means, as soon as possible.
Geology is a key science to help our understanding of earth’s past climate. Yet, once again, the corrupt UN IPCC will deliver another biased report in 2022 that excludes ANY geologists.
Scientists in Israel unveiled a 3D print of a heart with human tissue and vessels on Monday, calling it a first and a “major medical breakthrough” that advances possibilities for transplants.
TED (which stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design) is famous for turning 17-minute talks into viral videos. This year’s conference has kicked off in Vancouver, offering a new set of thought-provoking talks under the tagline of ‘ideas worth spreading’.