A three-year-old girl in China’s Jiangsu province died after receiving a rabies vaccination last month, an ominous development in light of persistent scandals over low-quality and improperly-handled vaccines.
Abstract – In this article it is demonstrated, given the calculated heat capacity of the atmosphere, that the heat released from the worldwide energy consumed is more than sufficient to achieve the measured increase in the global temperature.
Honest, competent scientists should have no reason to close out opportunities for open discussion regarding claims that appear to be disproven by readily verifiable observations.
Each year we are confronted with countless “academic” global warming publications which soon after publication are shown to contain data errors or misinterpretations.
There are two key pillars of science. First, it doesn’t matter how many “scientists” believe something. All of them could be proven wrong by a single new scientific theory or experiment.
Europe’s petroleum phase-out planners have long been arch-reifiers of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis.
Their enlistment of the European auto industry may prove a coup de grace. Historians may pick 2019 as the year European climate alarmism passed a point of no return.
Yew bushes are quite common in gardens as ornamental shrubs and hedges. They are liked for being hardy, and soil and moisture tolerant evergreens. In addition, the have nice red berries in the fall.
The Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994 – paid for by taxpayers – while pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from vaccine manufacturers over the years.
As contributor of (now several hundred) articles published (also translated and re-published elsewhere) in a variety of electronic press outlets, Dr. Kaiser’s newest PROM paper is a reminder to all of us of the most important scientific maxims in existence, namely to:
Written by Prof Fritz Vahrenholt, Frank Bosse (German text translated/edited by P. Gosselin)
If we speak of an average of the last 23 cycles in the months of the minimum, our only significant energy source at the center of the solar system was below average active last month as well.
The sunspot number (SSN) was 9.1, which has only 42% of the average of the cycles for month no. 125. Some cycles (No. 21, 18, 16, 15, 8 ) were already completed in month no. 125.
Scientists have developed a better way to build new antibiotics. Using a method known as directed evolution, researchers successfully synthesized beta-lactams, a molecular structure used to create antibiotics.
Mr Bob Ward (letter, 5th May, ‘A roasting for climate claims’) is unlikely to be impartial on CO2, for he is Policy and Communications Director for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, an entity whose very existence (founded 2008) rests on the assumption that modern global warming (since 1900) is due to CO2 via the 19th-century idea of a so-called greenhouse effect.
This time National Geographic’s ‘Hostile Planet’ series laughably claims a fat polar bear that’s caught a beluga calf off the coast of Western Hudson Bay has been saved from starvation!
The message: here is a prime example of climate change pushing a species to its limit. This is nonsense, of course: polar bears hunting beluga whales from rocks has nothing to do with climate change or desperately hungry bears.
NASA spent the last week tying itself in knots as observers rightly challenged the agency for details as to how exactly it was going to put boots on the lunar surface once more.
Those old Apollo flags will be quite faded by now, and NASA has been tasked with getting back to the Moon before the end of US president Donald Trump’s possible second term 2024.
Historic Arctic blast affecting much of Europe over the past couple of days brought record amounts of snowfall for the month of May to parts of Switzerland.
Capital Bern received 4 cm (1.57 inches) of snow on May 5, breaking the previous record for the month set back in 1945 at 1 cm (0.39 inches).