Are you ready to evolve?
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Are you ready to evolve?
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Written by E. Calvin Beisner
When empirical data show so clearly that computer climate models grossly exaggerate the warming effect of carbon dioxide, how do climate alarmists maintain public alarm?
Written by CFACT
Federal bureaucrats are propagating another climate scare this week, claiming their new study shows global warming is causing drought and will soon result in “unprecedented drying.”
The underlying data, however, show the bureaucrats are misrepresenting the results of their study.
Written by Robert
“Today’s Green New Dealers and their allies have mapped out their own totalitarian strategies.”
“They want to control what we say and think, even what ideas and information we can find online and in print, television, radio and social media.”
– Paul Driessen
Written by Robert Holmes PhD
This video is the first in a series which will outline the scientific reasons why a new null hypothesis of climate change is needed, and what is wrong with the current one, which assumes a 33c surface enhancement from the so-called “Greenhouse Effect” of “Greenhouse Gases”.
Written by Bjørn Ekeberg
Theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel uses his Forbes column to denounce my philosophical critique of standard cosmology published in Scientific American.
Written by James Edward Kamis
The very rapid and nearly instantaneous end of so-called glacial periods is very likely caused by massive, short-lived pulses of super-heated seawater emitted from major ocean faults termed spreading centers (see Figure 1).
Written by Paul Seaburn
When does a disaster go from ‘natural’ to ‘the mother of all’ disasters’? When it’s the next eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano.
Written by Myles
Why do the majority of people associate desertification with global warming? It has long been pushed as proof of a global warming crisis.
But research into the subject and the real drivers of this world wide phenomenon lie with deforestation and incorrect animal grazing practices.
Written by John O'Sullivan
A new and unique climate change tutorial for average citizens, policy makers and elected leaders is launched with positive reviews.
Written by Thomas D Williams PhD
The Guardian newspaper has declared that it will no longer refer to those who question reigning beliefs regarding anthropogenic climate change as “climate skeptics” but will attempt to discredit them with the label “climate deniers.”
Written by John O'Sullivan
New court ruling in Britain upholds right of people to know of the dangers of unproven 5G microwave technology. In Gateshead, UK Recorder Nolan QC refused to ‘gag’ anti-5G campaigner, Mark Steele.
Written by
Remember those climate crooks who forecast that there would be no ice left at the North Pole by 2013? The corrupt BBC reported the junk science forecasts back in 2007.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Not very long ago, written communications were in the form of postal mail, like letters to your love, postcards to everyone else, and so on.
The Universal Postal Union, established by the Treaty of Bern of 1874, agreed to and ratified by nearly all countries in the world, is an expeditious system of moving the mountains of mail coming and going, across the entire globe.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Around the world citizens are finally waking up to the fact that corporate media peddles lies about junk science. If you wondered how these hucksters get away with it, look no further than this ‘free speech’ lawsuit, cited below.
Written by John O'Sullivan
The world is waking up to the climate scam. Recently, Scientific American announced ‘Time To Chill Out On Global Warming’ and now the equally prestigious New Scientist tells us: ” The idea that there are only 100 harvests left is just a fantasy.”