In 2015, Pfizer’s Prevnar 13 vaccine (which protects against common strains of pneumonia) made more money than either Lipitor or Viagra, two of Pfizer’s top-selling drugs, thanks to the U.S. government recommendation to start using it in seniors over 65.
Tornadoes — and especially F3 or stronger tornadoes — are becoming increasingly rare as the Earth continues its modest warming, but the media are claiming a rare outbreak of recent tornadoes in Kansas is “the new normal.”
A D.C.-based libertarian think tank petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to rule on a years-long defamation case involving leaked emails from climate scientists that seriously undermined the credibility of alarming global warming predictions.
My five-year-old daughter has a few animal books, published for children by National Geographic. She likes them very much. They are not political. Written long before global warming became an issue.
In this video I use the most basic transitive logic in order to prove that the modern scientific method has committed such a scale of an error that it indicates a fundamental, systemic, structural flaw in the method.
Written by Robert Murphy, The Institute for Energy Research
Wise alecks on social media noted with amusement how Beto O’Rourke recently claimed humans had only ten years to act on climate change, thus one-upping Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who had previously gone out on a limb by putting the deadline at twelve years.
Researchers have discovered that lower cloud coverage in the Antarctic can promote sea ice growth.
Unlike the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice in the warming climate, Antarctic sea ice witnessed a modest extension over the past four decades, according to the paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
Mention the words ‘climate change’ or ‘climate emergency’ and climate scientists and ‘entrepreneurs’ are drooling in anticipation of the research grants, subsidies and investment grants which will keep them in luxury for years.
When the Danish Government sent their Chief Planner to threaten me I froze. I could not believe what I heard. Was I in Denmark or some banana republic, or were the two the same?
Our Moon is getting cooler, causing it to shrink. Now, research published in Nature Geoscience on Monday suggests that shrinkage is leading to a whole lot of shaking going on, with a little help from Earth too.
There is no beginning or ending. The material universe extends beyond the greatest distances we can observe optically or by radio means. It is boundless. (G. Reber)
The 20th century’s two keenest astronomers haled from Wheaton, Illinois. Edwin Hubble moved to Wheaton in 1900, age 10. Grote Reber (pictured) was born there in 1911.
Podcaster Joe Rogan has sounded the alarm on deep fake videos after researchers at Samsung AI were able to professionally create talking heads out of people in old black and white photos and even paintings.
When Greg Wetherbee sat in front of the microscope recently, he was looking for fragments of metals or coal, particles that might indicate the source of airborne nitrogen pollution in Rocky Mountain National Park. What caught his eye, though, were the plastics.
May 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. What are you doing to mark the occasion?
In the Royal Collection, London, is the most important group of Leonardo’s drawings to survive. It’s more than 500 sheets that have been together as a group since Leonardo’s death all those years ago.
Until now, little was known about the biogeochemical interaction between fungi and gold. But a new study published by reveals that some fungi possess a high gold-oxidizing capacity.