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Place Blame For Recent Tornadoes Where It Belongs

Written by Lary Bell

iowa tornado 2019

Tragically, there is nothing unique about the number or severity of more than 55 devastating tornadoes that tore through the outskirts of Kansas City, swept through Indiana and Ohio, and stretched eastward from Idaho and Colorado across eight states late last month.

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Climate Science 4; The Ice CO2 Record is ‘Probably Wrong’ Too

Written by 1000frolly PhD

Are the snows of Greenland pristine or polluted? | Lindsey ...

This the fourth in my Climate Science series debunking the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’. Climate Science 4; The Ice Core Record of CO2 is “Probably Wrong” Too. Climate Science 1 revealed that our atmosphere is not like a greenhouse; instead it’s the exact opposite – it’s capable of expansion and convection.

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Govt Health Officials Exposed on Climate Change Tick Claims

Written by Alicia Cashman

For Tick Season, UMass Amherst Lab Provides Testing ...

The following comment by independent Canadian tick researcher John Scott on the article by Schillberg, E., et al; “Distribution of Ixodes scapularis in Northwestern Ontario: Results From Active and Passive Surveillance Activities in the Northwestern Health Unit Catchment Area,” is a fantastic example of why we as patients should care about where and how research dollars are being spent.

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Crop Failure Year Looms – Ice Age Pattern?

Written by Musings from the Chiefio

No crop damage from SE rain | Farm Online

There has been a shift in the weather toward the Little Ice Age pattern, with big storms, late heavy rains, flooding, and even snow into the start of Summer / late Spring at higher elevations.

Not just in the USA, but all over. Europe, China, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, South America. This has resulted in lots of crop losses, very late planting (or even not planting), and price rises.

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UN has NO PROOF of Carbon Dioxide Warming

Written by Climate Conversation Group

Because it needs to be said... - Forums Topic - Dragon's Mark

The United Nations have revealed—and senior scientists confirm—that they can’t prove human emissions cause dangerous global warming.

Global warming fear is powered by the belief that we cause it, but the UN now tacitly admit they can’t prove it, after a group of prominent New Zealand sceptics asked the IPCC Secretariat for evidence of dangerous man-made warming and got nothing.

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Stupendous Electric Currents Connect Galaxy Clusters

Written by ThunderboltsProject

A new scientific discovery provides stunning confirmation of a foundational tenet of the Electric Universe and plasma cosmology.

A team of scientists has discovered a vast radio-emitting filament of plasma which stretches across 10 million light-years, connecting two clusters of galaxies, called Abell 0399 and 0401.

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‘Book burning’ and climate science

Written by Albert Parker & John O'Sullivan

Travels with My Censor - The New Yorker

“Book burning” and censorship of dissidents is part of any dictatorship; the voices of the majority systematically and routinely negated by a powerful minority determined to quell dissent.

We can see that “globalism” is no better than other dictatorships humanity has suffered in the past, and the “green” shirts are almost carbon copies of the “black” or “grey” shirts of former times.

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700 Quakes Hit A Key California Seismic Zone

Written by Michael Snyder

earthquakes and volcano activity | Dutchsinse

Scientists are quite “concerned” about the huge earthquake swarm that has been shaking southern California in recent weeks, and right at this moment bubbling tar is literally coming up through the streets in one section of Los Angeles.

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How ‘Fossil Fuels’ Saved The Whales

Written by CCD Editor

sperm whale

One of the great novels of the 19th century, Moby Dick is a riveting story about the whaler Ahab in pursuit of his great nemesis, a giant white sperm whale.

Before the oil era, whale blubber was in high demand for lighting purposes.

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Should We Fear 5G’s Mass Rollout?

Written by John O'Sullivan

As of February 27, 2019, 226 scientists and medical doctors (qualified as PhD, Professor or MD) have signed an appeal for an urgent moratorium on 5G technology.

5G is generally seen as the fifth generation cellular network technology that provides broadband access. It is being rolled out at breakneck speed and with little, if any, rigorous testing on health impacts.

So, should we be concerned? Martin Sichel provides some background:

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New Study Upends the Idea of ‘Habitable Zone’ Planets

Written by Tim Binnall

New Study Upends the Idea of 'Habitable Zone' Planets

A thought-provoking new study suggests that planets which scientists once considered to be ideal locations for alien life may not be so friendly after all.

Produced by a team of researchers at the University of California at Riverside and published today in an astrophysics journal, the project looked at planets said to reside in what astronomers call the ‘habitable zone.’

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