Question: Was the SURFRAD project originally designed to measure the Diffuse Solar radiation on our planet’s surface? I conclude ‘probably not.’ I explain why below.
Diffuse Solar Radiation—A History
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause (Chemistry)
Written by Dr Jerry L Krause (Chemistry)
Question: Was the SURFRAD project originally designed to measure the Diffuse Solar radiation on our planet’s surface? I conclude ‘probably not.’ I explain why below.
Written by John O'Sullivan
New book on cosmology declares: “The universe is infinite; the motions of matter are predominantly cyclical.”
At Principia Scientific International we pride ourselves on providing a platform for our readers to debate and discuss some of the more contentious ideas in science.
In that regard we have pleasure in highlighting Glenn Borchardt’s book, ‘Infinite Universe Theory’ recently made available to purchase as an ebook.
Written by Hans Schreuder
For the past 30 years, there has been an orchestrated alarm over how much a trace of a trace gas, human-produced carbon dioxide (CO2), impacts earth’s climate.
The idea was presented as the ‘settled science’ and that there exists a ‘greenhouse effect’ in Earth’s atmosphere and that CO2 ‘traps heat’ or ‘delays cooling’.
Written by William Walter Kay BA LL B
Herbert Eugene Ives was born in 1882 and died in 1953. (Einstein’s dates are: 1879-1955.) A Philadelphian by birth, Ives did his most important work in New York as Director of Electro-Optics at Bell Labs; overseeing a team of 200 engineers and technicians.
Written by Dr Jay Lehr
From the very day that Al Gore signed his name to the well-known book, An Inconvenient Truth, the general population was told that carbon emissions were going to destroy our planet.
Gore, more or less, coined the term “carbon footprint” (while always hiding the enormity of his own footprint). Gore and his cohorts were never actually talking about carbon.
Written by Paul Homewood
The BBC has just launched its Undiscovered Worlds series, with the intrepid Steve Backshall kayaking up the Scoresby Sund, the world’s largest fjord in Greenland.
Written by Francis Tucker Manns, PhD
Abstract: The sun controls climate change. Not industry. Not you. Not me. It is the sun.
Written by Herb Rose
Physics is the science of the study of the world around us and how it works. It is supposed to be about observation and experimentation to develop theory on why things happen and the rules governing these occurrences.
Written by Michael Bastasch
A Tesla Model 3 is touted as a zero-emissions car by government regulators, but it actually results in more carbon dioxide than a comparable diesel-powered car, according to a recent study.
Written by Stephen Wells
There are six planetary bodies in our solar system that have atmospheres thicker than our own. These are Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Titan, Uranus and Neptune.
I am going to compare the temperatures and the blackbody energy values of those temperatures of five of these planets to Earth in this article.
Written by Richard Fernandez
It may now sound ridiculous, but Nikita Khrushchev once told America “we will bury you” and Washington believed him. For years the intelligence community thought the U.S.S.R. was on the verge of overtaking the U.S. as the world’s largest economy before the Soviets unexpectedly collapsed.
Written by Tony Heller
Thirty years ago, NOAA said most global warming occurred between 1881 and 1919 – and that Earth cooled from 1921 to 1979.
Written by Anthony J Sadar
In case you’ve lost track, this week saw the 49th Earth Day. And, unless if you’ve just awoken from a long, long hibernation, you know that the imminent demise of the planet by “carbon pollution” is a top, top dread by zealous environmentalists.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Anyone who searches for ‘Principia Scientific International’ on a major corporate search engine may be bemused to see the criminally-run hate site, desmogblog tagged beside us, posting a smear of our organisation.
Clearly, the search engines themselves are indifferent (or supportive) towards these politicized merchants of disinformation. For those readers unfamiliar with desmogblog we invite you to peruse the following facts.
Written by Pallab Ghosh
A treatment that has restored the movement of patients with chronic Parkinson’s disease has been developed by Canadian researchers. Previously housebound patients are now able to walk more freely as a result of electrical stimulation to their spines.
Written by Professor Arthur Viterito
The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that enhanced infrared radiative forcing is the main driver of the earth’s recent warming.