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Measles, Masterminds & Million

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The Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994 – paid for by taxpayers – while pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from vaccine manufacturers over the years.

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Current Solar Cycle Among Weakest On Record

Written by Prof Fritz Vahrenholt, Frank Bosse (German text translated/edited by P. Gosselin)

sun setting

If we speak of an average of the last 23 cycles in the months of the minimum, our only significant energy source at the center of the solar system was below average active last month as well.

The sunspot number (SSN) was 9.1, which has only 42% of the average of the cycles for month no. 125. Some cycles (No. 21, 18, 16, 15, 8 ) were already completed in month no. 125.

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Climate Change Letter to the Editor, Sunday Times

Written by Roger Higgs DPhil (geology)

The Sunday Times

Dear Sir, 

Mr Bob Ward (letter, 5th May, ‘A roasting for climate claims’) is unlikely to be impartial on CO2, for he is Policy and Communications Director for the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, an entity whose very existence (founded 2008) rests on the assumption that modern global warming (since 1900) is due to CO2 via the 19th-century idea of a so-called greenhouse effect.

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More Starving Polar Bear Nonsense From National Geographic

Written by Susan J Crockford PhD

International Polar Bear Day Toolkit | One World One Ocean

This time National Geographic’s ‘Hostile Planet’ series laughably claims a fat polar bear that’s caught a beluga calf off the coast of Western Hudson Bay has been saved from starvation!

The message: here is a prime example of climate change pushing a species to its limit. This is nonsense, of course: polar bears hunting beluga whales from rocks has nothing to do with climate change or desperately hungry bears.

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Reality check for Moon Trump 1?

Written by Richard Speed

NASA spent the last week tying itself in knots as observers rightly challenged the agency for details as to how exactly it was going to put boots on the lunar surface once more.

Those old Apollo flags will be quite faded by now, and NASA has been tasked with getting back to the Moon before the end of US president Donald Trump’s possible second term 2024.

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Record May snowfall in Switzerland

Written by Grace Nona

Record May snowfall in Switzerland

Historic Arctic blast affecting much of Europe over the past couple of days brought record amounts of snowfall for the month of May to parts of Switzerland.

Capital Bern received 4 cm (1.57 inches) of snow on May 5, breaking the previous record for the month set back in 1945 at 1 cm (0.39 inches).

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Japan Leads the Way in Child Health: No Compulsory Vaccines

Written by Kristina Kristen

2015 CDC Immunization Schedule - Vaccines -

In the United States, many legislators and public health officials are busy trying to make vaccines de facto compulsory—either by removing parental/personal choice given by existing vaccine exemptions or by imposing undue quarantines and fines on those who do not comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) vaccine edicts.

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Why the Nuclear Force Doesn’t Exist

Written by Herb Rose

Atom With Nucleus And Electrons – InsideSources

The nuclear forces (strong and weak) are the forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together, counter acting the repelling force exerted on protons by their positive charges.

When the strength of these forces are inadequate to counter the force pushing the nucleus apart it results in radioactive atoms that over time decay by splitting into smaller elements or emitting particles.

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Big Green The Handmaiden Of Big Oil

Written by David Wojick PhD

Everything You Need to Know About Your Credit Score

Climate alarmists often accuse skeptics, like myself and independent groups like CFACT, of being in the pay of Big Oil. This is completely false — we don’t receive a dime from them.

It is part of the green fairy tale that skepticism only exists because the oil companies are funding it.

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The Black Hole, the Big Bang, and Modern Physics

Written by Stephen J. Crothers

There has been a deliberate suppression of scientific truth by the community of physicists and astronomers concerning the black hole and the big bang.

I bring you free access to original papers in the hope that this fraud can be exposed and physics restored to a rational search for knowledge. The black hole has no foundation in theory whatsoever.

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Fake Climate Science And Scientists

Written by Paul Driessen

debate is over sign

The multi-colored placard in front of a $2-million home in North Center Chicago proudly proclaimed, “In this house, we believe: No human is illegal” – and “Science is real” (plus a few other liberal mantras).

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The Ice Melt Myth

Written by Dr Jay Lehr

arctic icebreaker ship

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (, ice currently covers six million square miles, or one-tenth the Land area on Earth, about the area of South America.

Floating ice, or sea ice, alternately called pack ice at the North and South Poles, covers 6% of the ocean’s surface (, an area similar to North America. The most important measure of ice is its thickness.

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