The Guardian newspaper has declared that it will no longer refer to those who question reigning beliefs regarding anthropogenic climate change as “climate skeptics” but will attempt to discredit them with the label “climate deniers.”
New court ruling in Britain upholds right of people to know of the dangers of unproven 5G microwave technology. In Gateshead, UK Recorder Nolan QC refused to ‘gag’ anti-5G campaigner, Mark Steele.
Remember those climate crooks who forecast that there would be no ice left at the North Pole by 2013? The corrupt BBC reported the junk science forecasts back in 2007.
Not very long ago, written communications were in the form of postal mail, like letters to your love, postcards to everyone else, and so on.
The Universal Postal Union, established by the Treaty of Bern of 1874, agreed to and ratified by nearly all countries in the world, is an expeditious system of moving the mountains of mail coming and going, across the entire globe.
Around the world citizens are finally waking up to the fact that corporate media peddles lies about junk science. If you wondered how these hucksters get away with it, look no further than this ‘free speech’ lawsuit, cited below.
The world is waking up to the climate scam. Recently, Scientific American announced ‘Time To Chill Out On Global Warming’ and now the equally prestigious New Scientist tells us: ” The idea that there are only 100 harvests left is just a fantasy.”
A three-year-old girl in China’s Jiangsu province died after receiving a rabies vaccination last month, an ominous development in light of persistent scandals over low-quality and improperly-handled vaccines.
Abstract – In this article it is demonstrated, given the calculated heat capacity of the atmosphere, that the heat released from the worldwide energy consumed is more than sufficient to achieve the measured increase in the global temperature.
Honest, competent scientists should have no reason to close out opportunities for open discussion regarding claims that appear to be disproven by readily verifiable observations.
Each year we are confronted with countless “academic” global warming publications which soon after publication are shown to contain data errors or misinterpretations.
There are two key pillars of science. First, it doesn’t matter how many “scientists” believe something. All of them could be proven wrong by a single new scientific theory or experiment.
Europe’s petroleum phase-out planners have long been arch-reifiers of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming hypothesis.
Their enlistment of the European auto industry may prove a coup de grace. Historians may pick 2019 as the year European climate alarmism passed a point of no return.
Yew bushes are quite common in gardens as ornamental shrubs and hedges. They are liked for being hardy, and soil and moisture tolerant evergreens. In addition, the have nice red berries in the fall.