A new scientific study could bust wide open deeply flawed fundamental assumptions underlying controversial climate legislation and initiatives such as the Green New Deal, namely, the degree to which ‘climate change’ is driven by natural phenomena vs. man-made issues measured as carbon footprint.
Today I’m at the funeral of my dear friend Christopher Booker.
Were he alive — and I still can’t quite believe he is not — I know exactly what we’d have been talking about this morning: the risible section of last night’s Newsnight which the BBC had cobbled together in a sad, desperate, and unconvincing attempt to debunk the Climategate scandal.
Some are concerned that global warming will cause the polar ice caps to melt, leading to an increase in global sea level. If such a rise in sea level occurred slowly, coastal peoples would have time to adjust to the change.
The difference in the global warming scare and the Y2K crash that started in 1998 was that Y2K had a definite end date. That end date finally proved it to be a marketing ploy by software companies to sell unnecessary updates to data backup systems.
However, the climate change hype could go on indefinitely and that is what allows it to build and fester.
More than half of ‘new’ drugs are no better than established treatments, research suggests. A study assessed the more than 200 medications that entered the German market between 2011 and 2017, many of which were approved for use across Europe.
There has been a rise in the number of scientists claiming that major break-throughs in cancer cures are being deliberately suppressed by Big Pharma. Perhaps the adage “cure a patient, lose a customer” is now more than just a truism? Watch the video below and judge for yourself.
While a hot debate over abortion rights rages, less attention goes on the research institutions and scientists benefiting handsomely from the trade in fetal organs and body parts.
In this video I present the world’s and even scientific history’s most important and incredible empirical experiment regarding the Earth’s climate and how the Earth interacts with the Sun.
A week doesn’t pass without a mayor, governor, policymaker or pundit joining the rush to demand, or predict, an energy future that is entirely based on wind/solar and batteries, freed from the “burden” of the hydrocarbons that have fueled societies for centuries.
Twin quakes—the biggest to hit Southern California in decades—rattled a parched stretch of the Mojave Desert on Thursday (July 4) and Friday (July 5), sending seismic waves rippling through Earth that could be felt from Los Angeles to San Jose.
An international team of researchers has found that air pollution in China is dramatically reducing the amount of power that is generated by solar cells in that country.
There has been an ongoing discussion in the comments on previous posts about this problem, and it is also a problem often discussed in climate debate circles due to its importance in understanding how solar radiation reaches the Earth’s surface.