The Chinese Chang’e-4 rover may have confirmed a longstanding idea about the origin of a vast crater on the Moon’s far side.
The rover’s landing site lies within a vast impact depression created by an asteroid strike billions of years ago.
Written by Paul Rincon
The Chinese Chang’e-4 rover may have confirmed a longstanding idea about the origin of a vast crater on the Moon’s far side.
The rover’s landing site lies within a vast impact depression created by an asteroid strike billions of years ago.
Written by Pierre Gosselin
The Jena, Germany-based climate science and renewable energies group European Institute For Climate and Energy(EIKE) has sent a cease and desist letter to Wikimedia headquarters in San Francisco demanding that the platform remove all the “false content” in the German language entry about the organization.
Written by Joshua Sokol
Written by Chris Ciaccia
Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans may have a $2.5 trillion impact, negatively affecting “almost all marine ecosystem services,” including areas such as fisheries, recreation and heritage.
But a breakthrough from scientists at Berkeley Lab could be the solution the planet needs for this eye-opening problem – recyclable plastics.
Written by John Hinderaker
I’m so old, I can remember when global warming caused droughts. Or, put another way, climate change was making the Earth–in particular, the Great Lakes–drier. Thus, as I noted here:
Written by Pierre Gosselin
A new study appearing in the Journal of Weather and Climate Extremes titled “Historical extreme rainfall events in southeastern Australia” – led by LindenAshcroft, School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne – shows that much more extreme weather in terms of rainfall existed before 1900 in Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide.
Written by Dung Pham
Experiments of Michelson-Morley and Sagnac have demonstrated that there is wind Aether. Michelson-Morley ‘s experiment did not produce the expected results. There was a slight error in the experiment. That is because we misunderstand Aether.
Written by Lauren Lipuma, American Geophysical Union
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
Are you ready to evolve?
As Fox News reports, once man (and woman, I presume) have become settled on Mars, evolution to super-mutant Marslings (or similar) is inevitable.
Written by E. Calvin Beisner
When empirical data show so clearly that computer climate models grossly exaggerate the warming effect of carbon dioxide, how do climate alarmists maintain public alarm?
Written by CFACT
Federal bureaucrats are propagating another climate scare this week, claiming their new study shows global warming is causing drought and will soon result in “unprecedented drying.”
The underlying data, however, show the bureaucrats are misrepresenting the results of their study.
Written by Robert
“Today’s Green New Dealers and their allies have mapped out their own totalitarian strategies.”
“They want to control what we say and think, even what ideas and information we can find online and in print, television, radio and social media.”
– Paul Driessen
Written by Robert Holmes PhD
This video is the first in a series which will outline the scientific reasons why a new null hypothesis of climate change is needed, and what is wrong with the current one, which assumes a 33c surface enhancement from the so-called “Greenhouse Effect” of “Greenhouse Gases”.
Written by Bjørn Ekeberg
Theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel uses his Forbes column to denounce my philosophical critique of standard cosmology published in Scientific American.
Written by James Edward Kamis
The very rapid and nearly instantaneous end of so-called glacial periods is very likely caused by massive, short-lived pulses of super-heated seawater emitted from major ocean faults termed spreading centers (see Figure 1).
Written by Paul Seaburn
When does a disaster go from ‘natural’ to ‘the mother of all’ disasters’? When it’s the next eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano.