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52 Percent of British Believe NASA Faked Moon Landings

Written by Kevin Barrett

So this is it: the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. In 2016, a survey showed that 52 percent of the British public thought that Apollo missions were faked. Skepticism is highest among those who were too young to see it live on TV: 73 percent of aged 25-34 believe we didn’t land on the moon, compared to 38 percent of those aged 55 or more. These numbers seem to be rising every year.

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Written by Herb Rose


The title of this article is from its description of a new physics that is a fundamental break from past theories. It is the next step in the progress of physics from Aristotle, to Galileo, to Newton, to Einstein.

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Non-Renewable Resources Never Really Run Out

Written by Joakim Book

Stock video of oil worker writing on clipboard next ...

There’s a remarkable confusion in the modern debate over energy sources. Informed by geological rather than economic considerations, energy sources and some raw materials are thought of either as “Renewables” or “Non-Renewables” — and the former is somehow much preferred to the later.

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Study: Debunking ‘Fake News’ in the Post-Truth Era

Written by John O'Sullivan

Natural Learning – Part 2: The Separate Dynamic: the power ...

New study exposes statistical incompetence in public investment projects; research is being contaminated by subjective bias. Too much research work does not meet basic standards of validity and reliability.

Posted July 10, 2019 by Elsevier in is ‘On De-Bunking ‘Fake News’ in the Post-Truth Era: How to Reduce Statistical Error in Research‘ which addresses the crisis of modern scientific research for ‘garbage in, garbage’ data misuse.

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How Climate Change Impacts Racial Development, DNA Modification

Written by Jerry Todd PhD

Collective Identity – A2 Media Studies

250,000 years ago, the polar ice caps expanded widely and deeply. They didn’t start melting back until 26,500 to 10,000 years ago.

There are those who do the usual human thing, boasting or accusing others of racial and ethnic inferiority, or of privilege or superiority. Are they missing the most important, glorious and beautiful points?

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How Magnifying Glass Physics Debunks Climate Alarm

Written by Joseph E Postma

In this video I give another empirical demonstration, using a magnifying glass, that basic climate theory and its resulting political weather alarmism is fundamentally flawed at its basis and that the entire field of climate science is basically pseudoscience that even children can refute.

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