Author Archive

American Copernicus – Grote Reber and the Big Bang

Written by William Walter Kay BA LL B

Reber, Grote (1911-2002)

There is no beginning or ending. The material universe extends beyond the greatest distances we can observe optically or by radio means. It is boundless. (G. Reber)

The 20th century’s two keenest astronomers haled from Wheaton, Illinois. Edwin Hubble moved to Wheaton in 1900, age 10. Grote Reber (pictured) was born there in 1911.

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Leonardo da Vinci’s forgotten legacy

Written by Helen Glenny

© Getty Images

May 2019 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci. What are you doing to mark the occasion?

In the Royal Collection, London, is the most important group of Leonardo’s drawings to survive. It’s more than 500 sheets that have been together as a group since Leonardo’s death all those years ago.

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What is the Verdict on the Ebola Virus?

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Although the World Health Organization (WHO) has decided not to declare a global health emergency over the ebola virus, the time for calling for one is approaching.

A “public health emergency of international concern,” or what’s called PHEIC (pronounced “fake”) is an official designation the WHO can give to an outbreak in order to sound the international alarm.

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Blood Batteries – Cobalt And The Congo

Written by James Conca

Cobalt is a grey metal that is essential to our new technological world. It is a preferred component in lithium-ion batteries that power laptops, cell phones, and electric vehicles. These exploding applications are causing the use of Co to skyrocket.

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