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Why ‘Climate Models™’ Are Pure Hokum

Written by TomOMason

ipcc meeting

The key to keeping the UN-IPCC show rolling along is the ‘Climate Models™’.

The climate models are NOT run on basic physics as many cAGW advocates claim, they are run on assumptions and ‘tuned’ parameters. They are run like this for two reasons:

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Alligators in Alaska

Written by William Walter Kay BA LL B

60-to-50 million years ago (60-50 Ma) Earth’s surface temperatures averaged 10-to-15 degrees Celsius higher than present. Reduced temperature disparities between equatorial and high latitudes meant Tropical Regions were mildly warmer than now; while Polar Regions were qualitatively hotter. Azolla ferns graced lakes near the North Pole.

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Japan has no vaccine mandate yet has world’s healthiest children

Written by Ethan Huff

Image: Japan has NO vaccine mandates, yet achieves the HEALTHIEST children in the world

American politicians are notorious for spreading mass fear and panic about infectious disease outbreaks, which they routinely blame on unvaccinated people. But what these same Big Pharma puppets conveniently fail to mention is that in places like Japan, where vaccination is entirely optional, children are actually much healthier compared to anywhere else in the world.

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Another U.S. Temperature Record Gets Broken—For Cold

Written by Peter Murphy

International Falls, MN

The state of Minnesota this morning just shattered another temperature record.

Like so many locations this year in the United States and Europe, temperature records are being “broken,” at least as far as the last century-plus when such records began to be cataloged.

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Lab Accident Creates the first-ever Permanently Magnetic Liquid

Written by Yasemin Saplakoglu

The permanently magnetized liquid droplets spin in perfect unison.

The permanently magnetized liquid droplets spin in perfect unison. (Xubo Liu et al./Berkeley Lab)

For the first time, scientists have created a permanently magnetic liquid. These liquid droplets can morph into various shapes and be externally manipulated to move around, according to a new study.

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‘Hottest-ever’ Hysteria

Written by John O'Sullivan

Yesterday, the BBC reported that the “UK’s highest-ever temperature” has been officially recorded in Cambridge at 38.5C (101.3F) beating the previous UK record set in 2003. But is this to be taken as evidence of global warming?

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The Deadly Pride of Climate Science

Written by Stephen Wells

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From what has been published, you may be aware that I have a general disdain for academics and self proclaimed experts.

Not being religious, the best argument I can find for becoming so is the Biblical section on the seven deadly sins, which it places Pride as the number one no no. And don’t academics just ooze the stuff?!

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