Meet the space-weather forecaster leading the charge to help us understand solar flares and geomagnetic storms before it’s too late.
Space weather affects your daily life. It’s time to start paying attention
Written by Erin Winick
Written by Erin Winick
Meet the space-weather forecaster leading the charge to help us understand solar flares and geomagnetic storms before it’s too late.
Written by Michael Bastasch
The newest TIME magazine cover features United Nations chief António Guterres standing in the water off the island nation of Tuvalu, which the outlet called “one of the world’s most vulnerable countries” to global warming.
Written by Albert Parker & John O'Sullivan
“Book burning” and censorship of dissidents is part of any dictatorship; the voices of the majority systematically and routinely negated by a powerful minority determined to quell dissent.
We can see that “globalism” is no better than other dictatorships humanity has suffered in the past, and the “green” shirts are almost carbon copies of the “black” or “grey” shirts of former times.
Written by Michael Snyder
Scientists are quite “concerned” about the huge earthquake swarm that has been shaking southern California in recent weeks, and right at this moment bubbling tar is literally coming up through the streets in one section of Los Angeles.
Written by CCD Editor
One of the great novels of the 19th century, Moby Dick is a riveting story about the whaler Ahab in pursuit of his great nemesis, a giant white sperm whale.
Before the oil era, whale blubber was in high demand for lighting purposes.
After conducting a comprehensive, seven-year survey of Patagonia, glaciologists from the University of California, Irvine and partner institutions in Argentina and Chile have concluded that the ice sheets in this vast region of South America are considerably more massive than expected.
Written by John O'Sullivan
As of February 27, 2019, 226 scientists and medical doctors (qualified as PhD, Professor or MD) have signed an appeal for an urgent moratorium on 5G technology.
5G is generally seen as the fifth generation cellular network technology that provides broadband access. It is being rolled out at breakneck speed and with little, if any, rigorous testing on health impacts.
So, should we be concerned? Martin Sichel provides some background:
Written by Tim Binnall
A thought-provoking new study suggests that planets which scientists once considered to be ideal locations for alien life may not be so friendly after all.
Produced by a team of researchers at the University of California at Riverside and published today in an astrophysics journal, the project looked at planets said to reside in what astronomers call the ‘habitable zone.’
Written by Viv Forbes
The war on hydro-carbon fuels will have no measurable effect on global temperatures. Nor will carbon taxes, carbon offsets or subsidies for wind turbines or solar panels. There are climate controllers far bigger than human CO2 at work.
Written by Kaiser Health News
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We turn our attention to another “truth” that has been hidden and suppressed from the general public – the incredible health benefits of cannabis and hemp, not to mention the hundreds, if not thousands, of commercial, industrial, and residential uses of weed.
Written by April Holloway
It is not uncommon to hear talk about how lucky we are to live in this age of scientific and medical advancement where antibiotics and vaccinations keep us living longer, while our poor ancient ancestors were lucky to live past the age of 35. Well this is not quite true.
Written by Larry Bell
A lead May 14 article posted by Sonya Collins in WebMD, “Will Climate Change Cause Food Sources to Dwindle?” suffers from a very poor planet, plant and people health diagnostics.
Written by Anthony Bright-Paul
Whether the story is apocryphal or not, Newton is connected in our minds with an apple that dropped on his head. I checked this and found that the actual apple tree still exists. From his experience of observing that the apple always fell to the ground, he deduced the law of gravity.
Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser
The Herts County Council in Great Britain is having a problem with “bromate” and “bromide” ions in the groundwater there (‘Herts County Council told that underground ‘bromate plume’ near Sandridge could pollute drinking water‘). They could pollute the local drinking water resource.
Written by Hans van Leunen
The main subject of this book is a purely mathematical model of physical reality. The book acts as a
survey of the Hilbert Book Model Project. The project concerns a well-founded, purely mathematical model of physical reality.