The splendiferous east coast of Tasmania never ceases to please with all its myriad landscapes.
So it was a little discombobulating to recently pass a sign planted hard against the flow of traffic following the serpentine track that threads the coastal communities, proclaiming ‘Climate Change Is Killing the Planet’.
Climate alarmists continue to seek new vocabulary to express the apocalyptic urgency of their cause, with Time magazine now declaring that the Arctic is nearing a “point of no return,” thanks to global warming.
Particle Physicist, Dr. Katherine Horton sees the current rollout of the 5G network in a way that is different from mainstream perception. And for good reason.
Dr. Horton argues, based on her research and personal experiences, that the 5G network is intended as a Directed Energy Weapon system that aligns with the goals of the global elite to enslave humanity.
Will the rollout of 5G prove to be the ultimate catalyst for humanity to awaken and change our collective trajectory?
New study, published online in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, has found that all sugars increase the risk for Type 1 endometrial cancer – but sweetened drinks have the biggest impact of all.
Are vaccines as safe as they are marketed to be? Why has the mainstream and big health ridiculed and demonized those who question them instead of addressing and countering their points?
By telling parents not to do antibody blood tests to avoid needlessly vaccinating their child, Paul Offit unwittingly exposes scientific fraud by the FDA.
July 2019 was probably the 4th warmest of the last 41 years. Global “reanalysis” datasets need to start being used for monitoring of global surface temperatures.
As a rule of thumb, 80 percent of policy development should be about understanding the problem. Once a problem is understood, the solution generally presents itself.
But in the case of climate change, policymakers have bypassed this step and are insisting on “fixing” the “problem.” They forget that the IPCC’s own reports show that there is no problem.
Photo credit: Doug Zubenel of DeSoto, Kansas. August 3, 2019.
As predicted, today Earth is entering a stream of solar wind flowing from a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere. NOAA forecasters say there is a 55{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Aug. 5th and 6th.
You’ve heard it from YouTube influencers and scientists alike: when you’re in the sun, you need to slather on sunscreen.
While this is good advice for families who visit the beach only a handful of times each year, it could be the opposite for folks who use sunscreen every day. Why?
The “science is settled” alarmist media don’t want people to know there are scientists, even award-winning ones, who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming.
Science is founded on and thrives from critical thinkers asking tough questions, but that’s the last thing Merck scientists want any vaccine recipients doing. You can’t make this stuff up.
Scientist Jorge Araujo says that quality controls and all-important safety practices are simply not there at Merck pharmaceuticals, one of the “Pharma Five” that dominates the vaccine producing industry.
Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.
The radiation spike – in the form of an extremely high airborne concentration of the radioactive isotope ruthenium–106 – was detected by scientists in October 2017, but the source of the dramatic radiation surge (almost 1,000 times normal levels) was never definitively confirmed.