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The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time — Part XXIV

Written by Francis Menton

earth burning up

The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time is the fraud committed by the keepers of official world temperature records.

They have intentionally adjust earlier-year temperature records downwards to support assertions that dangerous human-caused global warming is occurring and that the most recent year or month is the “hottest ever.”

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US Farmland 48x More Toxic To Insects Than 25 Years Ago

Written by Tyler Durden

Woods Walks and Wildlife: March 2012

new study shows how “insect apocalypse” is unfolding across America’s farmland since neonicotinoid pesticides were introduced several decades ago.

Researchers found that farmland across the country is 48 times more toxic to insect life than 25 years ago, and neonicotinoid pesticides account for a large majority of the increase in toxicity.

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Neanderthals got ‘surfer’s ear’ too, study says

Written by Ashley Strickland

The La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neanderthal skull shows signs of external auditory exostoses, known as "surfer's ear" growths, in the left canal.When humans are habitually exposed to cold water and air, “surfer’s ear” can be one of the consequences — and apparently, the same was true of Neanderthals. But it’s less likely that they experienced bony growths in their ear canals due to surfing.

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The 5G Roll Out: Military Weapons and Mass Control

Written by John O'Sullivan

Revolution in the key of 5G - Fifth-gen wireless tech will ...

Your humble kitchen microwave oven has more in common with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) than you might think. Your new 5G smart phone will be no different.

Of course, you won’t make any sinister connections if you’ve already been seduced by government and big corporation propaganda about the ‘benefits’ of the new 5G telecommunications roll out.

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Climatic Effects of Manmade Carbon Dioxide

Written by Bud Bromley & Tom D. Tamarkin

Abstract: Carbon dioxide is the “gas of life” providing the carbon on which all plant and animal life on earth is based.

The IPCC and the anthropogenic climate change community have asserted that carbon dioxide or CO2 is a pollutant because it enables global warming or climate change.

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The Greatest Crossover Event in Scientific History

Written by Joseph E Postma

What happens when you take one thing that is claimed to not be ridiculous, but you combine it with another thing which is clearly ridiculous?  You get ridiculousness!

In this video we lay the groundwork for the greatest revolution in science and philosophy which has ever occurred in all intellectual history, and we do it via the alarm of the changing climate and its crossover event with flat Earth theory.

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