The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time is the fraud committed by the keepers of official world temperature records.
They have intentionally adjust earlier-year temperature records downwards to support assertions that dangerous human-caused global warming is occurring and that the most recent year or month is the “hottest ever.”
A new study shows how “insect apocalypse” is unfolding across America’s farmland since neonicotinoid pesticides were introduced several decades ago.
Researchers found that farmland across the country is 48 times more toxic to insect life than 25 years ago, and neonicotinoid pesticides account for a large majority of the increase in toxicity.
NASA is now claiming that satellite data shows an annual sea level rise of one centimeter (0.31 inches). But those of us with seafront properties remain unmoved.
When humans are habitually exposed to cold water and air, “surfer’s ear” can be one of the consequences — and apparently, the same was true of Neanderthals. But it’s less likely that they experienced bony growths in their ear canals due to surfing.
Your humble kitchen microwave oven has more in common with weapons of mass destruction (WMD) than you might think. Your new 5G smart phone will be no different.
Of course, you won’t make any sinister connections if you’ve already been seduced by government and big corporation propaganda about the ‘benefits’ of the new 5G telecommunications roll out.
Denmark’s national climate body has admitted it wrongly reported record warm temperatures on the center of the Greenland ice sheet last week, in what it called “good news from a climate perspective”.
Burning forests to generate electricity is probably the worst green-energy stupidity. It destroys forests; creates its own pollutants; is less efficient than coal to harvest, handle, and burn; and has a low-heat value.
Description: A chance to hear the more left wing of the Corbyn brothers speaking about the secret United Nations plans to take over the world. Piers is a scientist and an expert on climate and what is really happening in the world.
As I’m sure many of my readers are aware, Europe has been having an odd summer as far as temperatures are concerned. The continent has had two major heatwaves this summer; one was in June and the other was in July.
The dramatic loss of Arctic sea ice through climate change has only a “minimal influence” on severe cold winter weather across Asia and North America, new research has shown.
Polar bear habitat update for the first week of August 2019 shows there is still more sea ice than average in Hudson Bay, the southernmost area of continuous habitation for this species.
Abstract: Carbon dioxide is the “gas of life” providing the carbon on which all plant and animal life on earth is based.
The IPCC and the anthropogenic climate change community have asserted that carbon dioxide or CO2 is a pollutant because it enables global warming or climate change.
What happens when you take one thing that is claimed to not be ridiculous, but you combine it with another thing which is clearly ridiculous? You get ridiculousness!
In this video we lay the groundwork for the greatest revolution in science and philosophy which has ever occurred in all intellectual history, and we do it via the alarm of the changing climate and its crossover event with flat Earth theory.