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Are Our Scientists Heating the Earth?

Written by Anthony Bright-Paul

Why Does the Sun Heat the Earth Unevenly? |

Our Scientists keep claiming that the Earth is getting hotter and hotter and that we humans must keep the temperature of the Earth within a 2º Centigrade limit, otherwise all sorts of disasters will befall mankind.

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Global Map Reveals Devastating Crop Losses

Written by Michael Snyder

If what some experts are telling us is true, a global food crisis appears to be inevitable.  Even during good years we have a really difficult time feeding everyone on the planet, and now a major climate shift appears to be happening.

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Dingle and the Einsteinians

Written by William Walter Kay BA LL B

Herbert Dingle (above) was born in London in 1890.

After his father’s 1904 death Dingle left school to work as a clerk; studying in spare moments. Aged 24 he won a scholarship to London’s Imperial College; then a world-leading physics hub.

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Volcanic Eruption Spotted From Space

Written by Tim Binnall

Volcanic Eruption Spotted From Space

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station captured a breathtaking image of a massive volcanic eruption that occurred over the weekend.

The amazing photograph was snapped on Saturday morning when the ISS passed over the uninhabited volcanic island Raikoke as it rumbled to life and unleashed an enormous plume of ash and smoke into the sky.

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Why the Greenhouse Gas Theory Flunks the Albedo Test

Written by John O'Sullivan

Those of us who ‘deny’ the validity of the radiative greenhouse effect (GHE) theory are asked to provide our own alternative explanation of how the earth’s climate system operates.

Well, the answer is simple: the sun and earth’s water cycle are the key. But you have to measure their impact at the ‘real’ surface of earth (top of the atmosphere) not at ground level. Why? Because that is the only location you can genuinely measure the impact of albedo (cloud cover cooling).

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Global Warming ‘Truth will out!’

Written by Roger Higgs DPhil Oxford

IPCC: Did police interview other victims? | HOAXTEAD RESEARCH
It seems increasingly likely that the truth about CO2’s non-involvement in global warming will out soon, hastened by the global cooling now in progress. Yes, cooling has been occurring since February 2016, lasting 3.4 years so far, as shown by NASA’s ‘Global Monthly Mean Surface Temperature Change’ chart here (scroll down to the sixth graph on the list)  …

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US Government Exposed Manipulating Vaccine Data

Written by Children’s Health Defense

CDC Whistleblower, Vaccines, and Autism. Check-out the ...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and its governmental and private partners have fudged vaccine science for decades, leaving a well-documented trail of cover-ups and trickery.

Some of the more notorious episodes involve secret meetings, attempts to keep publicly funded data out of the reach of independent scientists, destruction and fraudulent manipulation of data and other crimes, including embezzlement.

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‘Hell Is Coming’ Dangerous Heatwave Strikes Europe

Written by Tyler Durden

Quebec Heatwave kills 17 people – The Talking Democrat

Most of Europe will be blanketed by an oppressive heatwave as the continent suffers unreasonable warmth this week, with officials across the European Union announcing severe warnings against dehydration and heatstroke. The heat wave will be centered from Spain into France and Germany.

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