For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal.
But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.
This has been a tough week for climate hustler Michael Mann, who lost his defamation and libel lawsuit against respected climatologist and warming skeptic Dr. Tim Ball at the same time it was announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that there has been no U.S. warming since 2005.
The idea that the Amazon rainforest is the lungs of the world is so embedded in our minds that few questioned its widespread use when news about fires in the Amazon was reported this summer.
The idea is everywhere—so it’s obviously true. Trees absorb carbon dioxide (bad), don’t they, and give off oxygen (good), and there are billions of trees in the Amazon, so surely it makes sense.
The control of fire is a goal that may well be as old as humanity, but the systematic monitoring of fire on a global scale is a much newer capability.
In the 1910s, the U.S. Forest Service began building fire lookout towers on mountain peaks in order to detect distant fires. A few decades later, fire-spotting airplanes flew onto the scene.
2019 study published in Geophysical Research Letters (GRL) affirms Downward Longwave Radiation (DLR) “cannot be considered an independent component of the surface energy budget.”
The conclusion affirms the science of researchers at Principia Scientific International.
Michael Mann is all over the scientific news at the moment, for having his libel case against Dr Tim Ball dismissed by the presiding judge.
For those who were unaware, Mann brought this libel case after Tim Ball made an off-the-cuff remark about Mann being from Penn State when he should be in State Pen.
Climate alarmists would have you believe that increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide cause higher temperatures – they don’t.
Abstract: “The hypothesis that the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is related to observable changes in the climate is tested using modern methods of time-series analysis. The results confirm that average global temperature is increasing, and that temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide are significantly correlated over the past thirty years. Changes in carbon dioxide content lag those in temperature by five months.” (Note date: 22 February 1990)
Artist’s impression of Silurian underwater fauna Credit: by Joseph Smit (1836-1929), from Nebula to Man, 1905 England / Wikimedia Commons
Late in the prehistoric , around 420 million years ago, a devastating mass extinction event wiped 23 percent of all marine animals from the face of the planet.
It should come as a wake-up call to the MSM who so blindly follow the climate change fanatics’ doomsday prognostications.
This is the news that Michael Mann, the litigious climatologist at Penn State University who created the ‘hockey stick graph’ (which appears to show global temperatures taking a noticeable swing upward in the era when humanity has been burning fossil fuels and dumping CO2 into the atmosphere), has lost his lawsuit against climate change sceptic Dr Tim Ball, and has been ordered to pay his costs.
Two British psychology professors have put forth a shocking proposal in a Newsweek opinion piece published on Tuesday.
Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie, psychology professors at Lancaster University, have proposed that ordinary people embrace cannibalism in order to provide an alternative to meat consumption that they see as environmentally destructive.
Or, ‘why we will all end up on three bowls of rice a day.’
We British used to joke about Mr Ying Tong living on one bowl of rice a day, but as we start to experience greater demand for global resources from the developing nations, we might all end up with the same on our plates.
Climate scientists who support human-caused global warming, for example Ben Santer and Michael Mann, authored a peer reviewed paper which acknowledges that their climate models are wrong, although their admission is buried in weasel words and technical jargon:
Technocracy was originally defined as “the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population…” (The Technocrat Magazine, 1938)