July 2019 was probably the 4th warmest of the last 41 years. Global “reanalysis” datasets need to start being used for monitoring of global surface temperatures.
July 2019 Was Not The Warmest Month On Record
Written by Roy W Spencer PhD
Written by Roy W Spencer PhD
July 2019 was probably the 4th warmest of the last 41 years. Global “reanalysis” datasets need to start being used for monitoring of global surface temperatures.
Written by Sanjeev Sabhlok
As a rule of thumb, 80 percent of policy development should be about understanding the problem. Once a problem is understood, the solution generally presents itself.
But in the case of climate change, policymakers have bypassed this step and are insisting on “fixing” the “problem.” They forget that the IPCC’s own reports show that there is no problem.
Written by www.spaceweather.com
Photo credit: Doug Zubenel of DeSoto, Kansas. August 3, 2019.
As predicted, today Earth is entering a stream of solar wind flowing from a large hole in the sun’s atmosphere. NOAA forecasters say there is a 55{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on Aug. 5th and 6th.
Written by Mandy Froelich
You’ve heard it from YouTube influencers and scientists alike: when you’re in the sun, you need to slather on sunscreen.
While this is good advice for families who visit the beach only a handful of times each year, it could be the opposite for folks who use sunscreen every day. Why?
Written by Joseph Valle
The “science is settled” alarmist media don’t want people to know there are scientists, even award-winning ones, who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming.
Written by SD Wells
Science is founded on and thrives from critical thinkers asking tough questions, but that’s the last thing Merck scientists want any vaccine recipients doing. You can’t make this stuff up.
Scientist Jorge Araujo says that quality controls and all-important safety practices are simply not there at Merck pharmaceuticals, one of the “Pharma Five” that dominates the vaccine producing industry.
Written by Volubrjotr
Western medicine has some good points, and is great in an emergency, but it’s high time people realized that today’s mainstream medicine (western medicine or allopathy), with its focus on drugs, drugs, radiation, drugs, surgery, drugs and more drugs, is at its foundation a money spinning Rockefeller creation.
Written by Peter Dockrill
The probable culprit behind a mysterious cloud of radioactive particles detected floating above much of Europe in 2017 appears to have been identified.
The radiation spike – in the form of an extremely high airborne concentration of the radioactive isotope ruthenium–106 – was detected by scientists in October 2017, but the source of the dramatic radiation surge (almost 1,000 times normal levels) was never definitively confirmed.
Written by Kenneth Richard
The world was much warmer and greener with meters-higher sea levels just a few thousand years ago.
Between 9,000 to 6,000 years ago, when global temperatures were 4-6°C warmer than they are today, the Sahara was a tree- and lake-covered haven teeming with megafauna and human civilizations (Manning and Timpson, 2014).
Written by TomOMason
The key to keeping the UN-IPCC show rolling along is the ‘Climate Models™’.
The climate models are NOT run on basic physics as many cAGW advocates claim, they are run on assumptions and ‘tuned’ parameters. They are run like this for two reasons:
Written by William Walter Kay BA LL B
60-to-50 million years ago (60-50 Ma) Earth’s surface temperatures averaged 10-to-15 degrees Celsius higher than present. Reduced temperature disparities between equatorial and high latitudes meant Tropical Regions were mildly warmer than now; while Polar Regions were qualitatively hotter. Azolla ferns graced lakes near the North Pole.
Written by Ethan Huff
American politicians are notorious for spreading mass fear and panic about infectious disease outbreaks, which they routinely blame on unvaccinated people. But what these same Big Pharma puppets conveniently fail to mention is that in places like Japan, where vaccination is entirely optional, children are actually much healthier compared to anywhere else in the world.
Written by John O'Sullivan
Make a date to listen to a revealing live radio talk show on the latest theories and observations on which forces are shaping the climate, global temperatures and seismic activity. (August o1, 2019: 5am EST/ 10pm-2am PST).
Written by Pierre Gosselin
During last week’s record-setting European heatwave, Germany’s previous record of 40.3°C (104.54°F) was impressively shattered by the measurement station located at the northwest city of Lingen, near the Dutch border, some 50 kilometers (31 miles) from where I live.
Written by Thomas Lifson
Here’s some news you won’t hear from the mainstream media.
Desperate to hew to the propaganda campaign intended to scare us into handing over control of the economy to bureaucrats, the media have been hyping the notion that the Earth is about to become an oven.
Written by Peter Murphy
The state of Minnesota this morning just shattered another temperature record.
Like so many locations this year in the United States and Europe, temperature records are being “broken,” at least as far as the last century-plus when such records began to be cataloged.