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Oops! Arctic Ice Death Spiral Postponed Again

Written by Ron Clutz

arctic ice polar bear

The graph [below] shows the annual minimum September monthly average sea ice extent in NH from 2007 through 2019 according to two different data sets: Sea Ice Index (SII) from NOAA and Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent (MASIE) from NIC.

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The Climate Fraud and the Club of Rome

Written by Tom D. Tamarkin

The patently false notion of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) and climate change was first conceived of by the Club of Rome in its efforts to promote the need for population reduction based on the restricted availability of energy, under the guidance of a united worldwide government.

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The Importance Of Proper Temperature Sampling

Written by Edward Spalton

Stevenson Screen

On University Challenge a few nights ago, the answer to one question was ‘Stevenson Screen’ [pictured].

This reminded me of the following article on climate change which I wrote nearly ten years ago. It remains relevant today.

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The Myth Of Sea-Level Rise And Ocean Acidification

Written by Lynne Balzer

sea level rise hysteria

CCD Editor’s Note: The following is a third excerpted chapter from Lynne Balzer’s new book, The Green New Deal and Climate Change: What You Need to Know, available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle. You can read her previous chapter here and here.

MYTH Due to human-caused global warming, the sea level is rising rapidly at an accelerated rate, and as a result, many coastal areas will soon be underwater.

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Fake News Busted: NO Record Fires in the Amazon

Written by Brian R Catt

Who will stop the Amazon from burning? : Peoples Dispatch

The modest and predictable facts of the slowly changing natural world are increasingly dwarfed by the scale of deceitful climate hysteria from posing politicians. Yet again we hear delusional claims regarding the rate of change and the multiplying human casualties of climate change from a 16-year-old climate ‘expert’ at the UN.

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Catastrophic Modern-Day ‘Global Warming’ Doesn’t Exist

Written by C3 Headlines

End of Days will happen this year, claims fundamentalists ...

With all due respect to the profession of mainstream journalism, there is no such thing as rapid, catastrophic “global warming.”

In fact, there are vast land and sea areas that are not warming, which seriously counters publicized statements that the world is suffering from a “global” climate condition.

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More UN claims of impending climate doom

Written by Andy Rowlands

Picturit: High Tide - Low Tide

In late September, The Weather Channel website published an article about the latest IPCC report entitled The Ocean And Cryosphere In A Changing Climate. This report was released by the UN on September 24th, and claimed climate change is accelerating, which will create conditions even more catastrophic than had been thought.

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THORIUM: A Tipping Point in History?

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The nuclear debate continues to put forward large scale alternatives to ‘fossil-fueled’ Society, but has never included a much better option, when it comes to managing the waste and risks. This tragedy is essentially the result of politics, not science, since there likely isn’t a more misunderstood and overlooked element on the Periodic Table than Thorium.

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‘Fridays-for-Hubraum’ – a new Friday Movement

Written by Dr Klaus L E Kaiser

Fridays are rapidly getting new meanings.

From the common abbreviation TGIF, to the recent “Fridays-for-Future” (FFF) demonstrations, right now, yet another Friday-meaning appears to be getting a large crowd of followers – and fast. Actually much faster than the FFF movement; it’s called the “Fridays-for-Hubraum” movement (FFH).

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New Way To Capture Heat and Turn It into Electricity

Written by Laura Arenschield, Ohio State University

Researchers have made an important discovery that could make it easier to collect energy from heat.
Credit: OSU

An international team of scientists discovered a new way to capture heat and turn it into electricity.

The discovery, published last week in the journal Science Advances, could create more efficient energy generation from heat in things like car exhaust, interplanetary space probes and industrial processes.

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Video: MIT Professor Exposes the Climate change Carbon Credits Scam

Written by John O'Sullivan

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD, widely accredited as a co-inventor of email, offers a superb video summary exposing the ‘carbon credits’ fraud.

The video offers a convincing case that these carbon charges are disappearing into someone’s pockets. Dr. Ayyadurai reveals who will profit from the “Climate Change” scam and why it was right that Trump pulled out of the pollution-incentivizing Paris Accords.

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