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Cause cannot follow effect

Written by Bud Bromley

Cause And Effect | SociopathHell.Com

Climate alarmists would have you believe that increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide cause higher temperatures – they don’t.

Abstract: “The hypothesis that the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide is related to observable changes in the climate is tested using modern methods of time-series analysis. The results confirm that average global temperature is increasing, and that temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide are significantly correlated over the past thirty years. Changes in carbon dioxide content lag those in temperature by five months.”  (Note date: 22 February 1990)

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Rapid Loss of Oxygen Caused Mass Extinction 420M Years Ago

Written by Zachary Boehm Florida State University

Artist’s impression of Silurian underwater fauna Credit: by Joseph Smit (1836-1929), from Nebula to Man, 1905 England / Wikimedia Commons

Late in the prehistoric , around 420 million years ago, a devastating mass extinction event wiped 23 percent of all marine animals from the face of the planet.

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How The Media Destroyed Rational Climate Debate

Written by Roy W Spencer PhD

media scary headlines

An old mantra of the news business is, “if it bleeds, it leads.” If someone was murdered, it is news. That virtually no one gets murdered is not news.

That, by itself, should tell you that the mainstream media cannot be relied upon as an unbiased source of climate change information.

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Beginning Of The End For Climate Change Hysteria?

Written by Kathy Gyngell

mann congress testimony

It should come as a wake-up call to the MSM who so blindly follow the climate change fanatics’ doomsday prognostications.

This is the news that Michael Mann, the litigious climatologist at Penn State University who created the ‘hockey stick graph’ (which appears to show global temperatures taking a noticeable swing upward in the era when humanity has been burning fossil fuels and dumping CO2 into the atmosphere), has lost his lawsuit against climate change sceptic Dr Tim Ball, and has been ordered to pay his costs.

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Newsweek: ‘Embrace Cannibalism to Fight Climate Change’

Written by Richard Moorhead

Two British psychology professors have put forth a shocking proposal in a Newsweek opinion piece published on Tuesday.

Jared Piazza and Neil McLatchie, psychology professors at Lancaster University, have proposed that ordinary people embrace cannibalism in order to provide an alternative to meat consumption that they see as environmentally destructive.

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Connecting Apples, Climate Change and World War 3?

Written by Ken Hughes

food fruit street market bazarchik counter windows tags ...
Or, ‘why we will all end up on three bowls of rice a day.’
We British used to joke about Mr Ying Tong living on one bowl of rice a day, but as we start to experience greater demand for global resources from the developing nations, we might all end up with the same on our plates.

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Climate scientists admit their models are wrong

Written by Bud Bromley

Climate scientists who support human-caused global warming, for example Ben Santer and Michael Mann, authored a peer reviewed paper which acknowledges that their climate models are wrong, although their admission is buried in weasel words and technical jargon:

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Study: No gene associated with being gay

Written by BBC

Rainbow flag at a gay pride paradeImage copyright GETTY IMAGES

A genetic analysis of almost half a million people has concluded there is no single “gay gene”.

The study, published in Science, used data from the UK Biobank and 23andMe, and found some genetic variants associated with same-sex relationships.

But genetic factors accounted for, at most, 25% of same-sex behaviour.

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Video: What Archaeologists Don’t Want You To Know

Written by Graham Hancock

Comet impact 'linked' to rise of mammals - BBC News

Graham Hancock discusses the evidence for a cataclysmic event 12,800 years ago which, he says, many academics would rather you didn’t know about. This short video is an introduction to a fascinating new theory of mass extinction due to a comet impact that ended the last ice age.

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