Two more additions to the steadily accumulating evidence that CO2 plays an insignificant to a negligible role in climate change have recently been published in the scientific literature.
A common ‘greenhouse gas’ could be repurposed in an efficient and environmentally friendly way with an electrolyzer that uses renewable electricity to produce pure liquid fuels.
Rice postdoctoral researcher Chuan Xia, left, and chemical and biomolecular engineer Haotian Wang adjust their electrocatalysis reactor to produce liquid formic acid from carbon dioxide.
Someone asked me in the comments what must be wrong with academic scientists for them having such difficulty with comprehension of basic physics. This was my reply and it sets the scene for the following book-link afterwards:
About 5 years ago I was convinced that global warming could not be caused by the Green house effect.
After all, in the last 200 years it has happened four times that the global temperature dropped while the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere kept rising.
Numerous individuals have observed that environmentalism as practiced by certain activists is a religion see Rubin, C. T. (1998). The green crusade: Rethinking the roots of environmentalism. Rowman & Littlefield.
Specifically, environmentalists do not view the world through a complex empirically based lens but instead view issues in simple emotionally motivated terms.
Claims of ‘catastrophic’ climate change and sea level rises are in the news again in the wake of Hurricane Dorian. But not helping alarmist hyperbole is an important paper on sea level rise in the Pacific.
The study, PACIFIC SEA LEVELS RISING VERY SLOWLY AND NOT ACCELERATING in the journal, Quaestiones Geographicae 38(1) dispels any fears.
Was there a time in the last few thousand years when CO2 was as high or higher than today? Yes, there was, at the end of the last ice age during the Younger Dryas (YD) cold period.
Newly released data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) refutes claims made by climate alarmists that forest fires are becoming more prevalent as a result of climate change and that the world is losing its forests.
The long hot summer of climate change/heatwave propaganda continues with the release of yet another ‘study‘ of European temperature extremes, this time by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
More than 1,200 publications show the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was global – an embarrassment to global warming alarmists who claimed it was regional.
Global-warming-alarmist scientists like claiming that the well-documented Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was mostly a regional, North Atlantic phenomenon, and was not global, and so we should just move along and stop questioning man-made global warming.
This article relates to water vapor “feedback” due to CO2’s alleged “radiative forcing.” From ‘A Simple Method to Measure the Dew Point Temperature’ by R. L. Snyder, Biometeorology Specialist.
For more than 60 years, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has known that the changes occurring to planetary weather patterns are completely natural and normal.
But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.
This has been a tough week for climate hustler Michael Mann, who lost his defamation and libel lawsuit against respected climatologist and warming skeptic Dr. Tim Ball at the same time it was announced by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that there has been no U.S. warming since 2005.
The idea that the Amazon rainforest is the lungs of the world is so embedded in our minds that few questioned its widespread use when news about fires in the Amazon was reported this summer.
The idea is everywhere—so it’s obviously true. Trees absorb carbon dioxide (bad), don’t they, and give off oxygen (good), and there are billions of trees in the Amazon, so surely it makes sense.