In the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian’s catastrophic impacts on the Bahamas, we have been reminded of the inevitability that some aspect of any damaging hurricane will be blamed on man-made climate change.
We made it three weeks without extreme weather and/or climate change hysteria making rounds on social media. Unfortunately, that streak has come to an end, making the lives of most weather forecasters like me a lot more difficult.
The ‘Pioneer Anomaly’ describes a deviation from predicted decelerations of the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft after they passed about 13×10^9 kilometres on their trajectories out of the Solar System.
Upon Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann’s latest lawsuit threat to Pastor Jonathan Lange, who honestly reported on his legal defeat versus Tim Ball, we post a public letter to Mann by a valued PSI member.
On August 24, 2019 I emailed the BBC from their website about climate change being mentioned in at least two episodes of Eastenders. This is what I wrote:-
Mann and his hockey stick recently lost a crucial Canadian court case. Mann must pay Dr. Tim Ball’s legal expenses. Several years ago Mann brought the suit, after Ball, a climatologist, apparently referred to Mann’s “work” as fraudulent.
In this video I respond to a statement left by a commentator on YouTube that ‘the average speed of a vehicle explains what is being done in climate physics’.
This provides an opportunity to have a little lesson on the meaning and utility of what an “average” is and what it can and cannot be used for.
The government in Oslo spending billions of oil export dollars to help the affluent buy an electric second car they wouldn’t otherwise want is European environmentalism at its phoniest and most hare-brained.
Litigious climate fraudster, Michael ‘hockey stick’ Mann threatens ANOTHER lawsuit after newspaper correctly reports he lost the ‘science trial of the century‘ versus Dr Tim Ball.
A mere two weeks ago, Penn State’s dodgy climate professor saw a judge dismiss his 8-year, multi-million-dollar libel suit versus the renowned Canadian skeptic climatologist.
Swedish behavioural scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.
The scientist mentioned the possibility of cannibalism during a broadcast on Swedish television channel TV4 this week about a fair in Stockholm regarding “food of the future”.
Dr Busby says a few words about the Russian Nerve Agent issue. He speaks as an expert in this area.
Chris worked for several years at the famous Wellcome Research laboratories in Beckenham, London as a Senior Scientist in the Department of Physical Chemistry. His job, at the basic level, was to help determine the structure and origin of pharmaceutical compounds. So, he is an expert in this area.
In this video I answer a question from a previous upload where a commentator asks about the origin and meaning of the oft-quoted “-18C solar input” which I frequently refer to.
In answering the question I give a mini science lesson comparing rational and good physics to the fake physics of political climate science.
On September 11, 2001, at 5:20 p.m., World Trade Center Building 7 suddenly collapsed into its own footprint, falling at free fall speed for 2.5 seconds of its seven-second complete destruction. WTC 7 was not hit by a plane.