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Video: Reasons to Fear Elon Musk’s AI Brain Implants

Written by Peter and Ginger Breggin

Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, has rolled out his progressing technology for the brain by hooking up living brains with  supercomputers. But what will happen to the humans enmeshed in this catastrophe and who will be controlling them?

An important video called Putting a Chip in Your Brain Will Not Make You a Superhero or a God  documents the history of mind control, The Minds of Men.

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Newly Discovered Microorganisms Band Together, ‘Flip Out’

Written by Meghan Rosen, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Choanoflagellate - Wikipedia

Scientists have found a new species of choanoflagellate. This close relative of animals forms sheets of cells that “flip” inside-out in response to light, alternating between a cup-shaped feeding form and a ball-like swimming form. The organism could offer clues about animals’ early evolution.

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Don’t Let Climate Alarmists Anywhere Near Rocket Science

Written by Larry Bell

NASA commits to building Space Launch System, sets 2018 to ...

Last Thursday I was honored to be invited by the NASA Johnson Space Center’s Alumni League to be their monthly meeting speaker. These were competent and dedicated people who had key roles — along with countless other marvels — in sending other mutually distinguished and brave friends to the moon.

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If Climate Models Are Wrong For 2020, How Can They Get 2100 Right?

Written by Roger Pielke Jr PhD


How we think and talk about climate policy is profoundly shaped by 31 different computer models that produce a wide range of scenarios of the future, starting from the base year of 2005.

With 2020 right around the corner, we now have enough experience to ask how well these models are doing. Based on my preliminary analysis reported below, the answer appears to be not so well.

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Antarctica’s Larsen Ice Shelf Melt Due to Geology, not Humans

Written by James Edward Kamis

Figure 1  North tip of Antarctic Continent including Larsen Ice Shelf Outline (black line), very active West Antarctica Rift / Fault System (red lines), and currently erupting or semi-active volcanoes (red dots).

Progressive bottom melting and break-up of West Antarctica’s seafloor hugging Larsen Ice Shelf is fueled by heat and heated fluid flow from numerous very active geological features, and not climate change.

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Study: Global Ice Age Changed Face Of The Planet

Written by Curtin University

ice age snowball earth

Curtin University researchers have discovered that a global ice age more than 600 million years ago dramatically altered the face of the planet, leaving a barren, flooded landscape and clear oceans.

The research, published in Terra Nova, examined how distinctive carbonate sedimentary rocks formed over the course of millions of years after the Snowball Earth.

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