Written by Roger Higgs DPhil Oxford & John O'Sullivan
Young people are writing to us expressing enormous anxiety triggered by the relentless climate alarmist propaganda in the media. As always, we offer reasoned scientific reassurance.
One example, (name withheld) has prompted us to post this article to rebuke the junk science claims, and to shame the idiotic purveyors of doom.
Written by Patrick Michaels and Caleb Stewart Rossiter
Computer models of the climate are at the heart of calls to ban the cheap, reliable energy that powers our thriving economy and promotes healthier, longer lives.
For decades, these models have projected dramatic warming from small, fossil-fueled increases in atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, with catastrophic consequences.
RALEIGH — A seven-month investigation and numerous public information requests have revealed the move to increase solar power might be leading to an increase in the very emissions alternative energy sources aim to reduce.
Reader, will you let me take you on a “Back to the Future” trip, layman to layman? On one of the hottest issues of the day? It should let you sleep better at night. What if I can relieve you of ever again worrying about mankind causing “global warming”?
A team of researchers from the California Institute of Technology, the University of California and Maine Mineral & Gem Museum has found a mineral in a meteorite that does not form naturally on Earth.
Japan’s environment minister announced Tuesday (Sept 10, 2019) that the country will have to dump radioactive water from the Fukushima power plant into the ocean because it is running out of space, Reuters reported.
A group of scientists studying evidence preserved in cave formations have found that global sea levels were as much as 52 feet higher more than 3 million years ago than they are today.
Nils-Axel Mörner is the retired head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University, and was a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
When Mörner tried to warn the IPCC that it was publishing false information that would inevitably be discredited, he says they simply ignored him.
For my Dear Readers who may not have heard of the Moose Express, it’s the northern equivalent of the famous Pony Express, a top-speed transcontinental delivery service of news between the continent’s east and west coast communities.
William Happer, an outspoken skeptic of climate change, is leaving his position as a senior director on the National Security Council later this week, according to E&E News.
The news of his departure comes just a day after Trump announced that national security adviser John Bolton was leaving his administration.
Apologists for discredited ‘climate scientist’ Michael E Mann have been trying to spin his defeat in the ‘science trial of the century’ versus skeptic climatologist, Dr Tim Ball.
The West Coast of North America has 20 long-term (90+ years) tide gauges measuring relative sea-level changes.
The East Coast has 33. Of the 53 total tide gauges, 45% (24) are negatively accelerating, 14 document falling sea levels, and just 11 have sea levels rising more than 3 mm/yr.