Author Archive

The True and False of Climate Change

Written by M. Ray Thomasson, Lee C. Gerhard

First let us state that the authors are avid environmentalists. Every geologist we know loves nature and “The out-of-doors” and wants to protect and preserve our planet.

Concern for the environment should not be confused with climate change.

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End of the materialist-reductionist paradigm?

Written by Claire Edwards

History of Theories in Psychology (PSYC 493) » Thales-The Fall

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage – to move in the opposite direction ― E.F. Schumacher

The Western world is insane. It suffers from a persistent delusion called the materialist-reductionist paradigm.

We learned this from the Greek philosophers who preferred to look at objects in isolation: nature, for example, was defined as the universe minus human beings and their culture.[i]

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Greater Adria, a lost continent hiding in plain sight

Written by Frank Jacobs

Image: Utrecht University  Greater Adria, science’s newest lost continent, tore off from North Africa and was subducted beneath Southern Europe.

Following a 10-year survey, geologists discover a lost continent in the Mediterranean. ‘Greater Adria’ existed for 100 million years, and was probably “great for scuba diving”. Most of it has been swallowed up by Earth’s mantle, but bits of it survive.

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Scientocracy: The Tangled Web of Public Science and Public Policy

Written by Norman Rogers

The title of this new book is a play on aristocracy.  The science aristocracy is living off its former reputation as honest investigators of the natural world.

Scientocracy: The Tangled Web of Public Science and Public Policy exposes largely mean-spirited bureaucrats who don’t hesitate to fake science when it serves their bureaucratic and financial goals.

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New Energy Sources and Inventions

Written by Peter Lindemann, D. Sc.

Bubble Power Seminar report and ppt - Seminar Links PPT ...

In the late 1880’s, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting “free electricity” in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming commonplace.

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Debunking Popular Climate Myths About CO2

Written by Nancy Thorner

Popular myths about Garbage Collection - JAXenter

If you believe the debate over global warming has ever been about science—or for that matter climate—you have been conditioned, through formal education or through reports warning of doom and gloom, to believe what others rightly describe as a world-wide hoax concocted to unite the world under a single socialistic government where there is no capitalism, no democracy, and no freedom.

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NASA: Antarctic Ozone Hole Smallest Since Discovery In 1982

Written by Katherine Rodriguez

ozone oct 2019

The hole in the ozone has reached its smallest size since scientists discovered it in 1982 due to unusual weather patterns in the upper atmosphere above Antarctica, according to NASA.

The hole fluctuates every year and is usually largest during the coldest months in the southern hemisphere, between late September and early October.

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Can marketplace science be trusted?

Written by Paul Lucier

Four years after the first issue of Nature was published, the US National Academy of Sciences (NAS) faced an existential crisis. In October 1873, one of its original members demanded the expulsion of another member for swindling.

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Bleak outlook for UK energy usage

Written by Andy Rowlands

Venezuela crisis: Two more things people will have to do ...

A few days ago I was told about a website called Gridwatch. It was created to monitor the daily power requirements for the UK, and shows the contributions of all the current power generators around the country. It updates itself every 15 minutes.

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