A new paper from the Global Warming Policy Foundation looks at how scientists monitor changes in ocean temperatures and finds a story of huge uncertainties and surprising findings.
For example, while warming might be expected to be fairly uniform, measurements suggest that it is regionalized, with parts of the South Pacific, in particular, warming more than elsewhere.
Experts are warning us that this will be a “freezing, frigid, and frosty” winter, and even though the official beginning of winter is still over a month away, it already feels like that in much of the country right now.
Following Episode 1 of the BBC series’ Seven Worlds, One Planet, where he got his facts about albatrosses wrong, David Attenborough has now turned his attention to walruses.
Surprise, surprise, they’re all in danger from global warming. At the start of the program, we see thousands of Pacific walrus hauled out on a spit of land somewhere in Siberia.
Psychotic bankers using children for their CO2 reduction policies (described by some as a mass murder policy). What could be lower than using innocent youngsters for their evil aims?
Have you ever wondered why the ocean is salty? Have you wondered why lakes might not be salty? Here’s a look at what makes the ocean salty and why other bodies of water have a different chemical composition.
Sir David Attenborough finds himself at the center of another scandal over deceptive filmmaking.
Back in the spring, he was accused of deceiving viewers when he claimed, in his Netflix show Our Planet, that walruses were falling off Siberian clifftops as a result of climate change.
One of the popular rhetorical moves in the climate change debate is for advocates of aggressive government intervention to claim that “97% of scientists” agree with their position, and so therefore any critics must be unscientific “deniers.”
A prominent psychiatrist, at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Dr. Paul R McHugh, claims that transgender individuals suffer from a form of mental illness and that Gender Reassignment is “biologically impossible.”
William Happer failed at the chance of his lifetime.
A notorious climate change science skeptic, Happer, 80, recently left the Trump administration after the White House killed his plan to create a panel to challenge government assessments of global warming.
Environmentalism, or ecologism, is a failure both as a science and as an ideology. It fails as a science because it cannot show “anthropogeneity” to be true, whereby mankind can actually alter the course of natural reality, nor can it define what it actually means by “nature,” and by “science.
The recent Amazon Synod has been a source of controversy, to say the least; but the most curious event was the introduction of an Andean mother goddess, named, Pachamama, into Christian holy space. This raises some crucial issues.