Author Archive

Widespread Crop Failures Happening All Over America

Written by Michael Snyder

Snow day in Central Texas - Temple Daily Telegram: Gallery

We are witnessing “unprecedented” crop failures all across the United States, but the big mainstream news networks are not talking too much about this yet.

As you will see below, local news outlets all over the nation are reporting the disasters that are taking place in their own local areas, but very few people are putting the pieces of the puzzle together on a national level.

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Planetary Orbital Changes Better Explain Climate than CO2

Written by John Bruyn, B.A.Sc Geophysics (1982)

Planets orbits due to electromagnetic forces?

Ask the IPCC to provide substantive proof that what has been observed is caused by the 1% human CO2 additions to the trillions of tonnes circulating through the atmosphere, are not precipitated, are not used by photosynthesis, are not acidifying the colder parts of the ocean and are warming the planet instead.

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We Need More Carbon Dioxide, Not Less

Written by James G Matkin

FFRF Protests Against NASA’s 1.1 Million Religion Grant

It is with much pleasure that we can report that eminent Canadian lawyer and former government minister, James G Matkin,  joins the battle to expose climate fraud with a new paper highlighting important discoveries discrediting global warming talking points.

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Show Me Now – Direct Proof

Written by Geraint Hughes

I’m fed up to the back teeth with sleezy politicians, lying climate scientists and every tom, dick, harry & lisa telling me on twitter, tv and the news and the internet that climate change is real and it is caused by CO2.

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Nasa probes oxygen mystery on Mars

Written by Paul Rincon

Curiosity selfieImage copyrightNASA/JPL-CALTECH/MSSS
Image captionCuriosity has been exploring Gale Crater, which once hosted a body of liquid water

The oxygen in Martian air is changing in a way that can’t currently be explained by known chemical processes.

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Facebook Bans Principia Scientific International Without Explanation

Written by John O'Sullivan

Today, Facebook blocked users from reading content posted on the site by independent body, Principia Scientific International (PSI), a registered UK non-profit listed at Companies House as a provider of educational services.

Check the Facebook black listing of PSI at this link.

We contacted Facebook immediately for an explanation, as there was no notification or warning that PSI had been in violation of any terms of service.

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