Go back a few decades and the scientists pronounced that Venice was sinking because of changes to the ground water levels, so stop the cause of that and Venice will stop sinking! Steps were taken and although Venice’s rate of sinking slowed it did not entirely stop.
The world is polluted and steadily becoming more so.
The main culprit, as I see it, is not mankind’s invention of new materials, implements and devices. Rather it’s their indiscriminate applications and – most importantly – reckless disposal or release into the environment, much of that into the high seas.
Yet again, when I test what should be one of the rock solid corner stone foundations of the radiation greenhouse effect, the so-called “Greenplate Effect” it just doesn’t happen. No matter how many times I test it, it refuses to show its lovely green-red hot face.
Precisely ten years ago the world was given hard evidence of a conspiracy among elite government climate researchers to trick policymakers and citizens around the world into believing humans were causing ‘dangerous’ global warming.
Recent scientific discoveries set me thinking about the implications.
E=mc2 being one where ‘E’ stands for energy, ‘m’ stands for Mass and ‘c’ stands for the speed of light. But ‘c’ does NOT stand for the speed of light! ‘c’ is an electro-magnetic constant.
A meteor shower is set to occur Thursday night into early Friday morning, with over 400 meteors per hour — but it’s unclear if the shower will be a quick burst of shooting stars for the ages or a bust with just a few meager meteors gliding through the skies above.
The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of “fear mongering” over the advent of wireless technology’s 5G.
Greenland’s ice sheet kicked off 2017 gaining about eight gigatons of snow and ice, which is well above what’s usually added to the ice sheet Jan. 1 for the last 24 years, according to Danish meteorologists.
In December 2015 Peter Ridd, then a physics professor at Australia’s James Cook University, contacted a journalist. Researchers affiliated with his own institution, he said, were misleading the public about the Great Barrier Reef.
The annual flooding of Venice is now your fault. Venice has been battling rising water levels since the fifth century. But today, the water seems to be winning.
So-called ‘green’ jobs are a case of easy come, easy go. The wind and solar ‘industries’ that gave birth to those jobs simply can’t survive without massive and endless subsidies, which means their days are numbered.
It’s the tenth anniversary next week of the 2009 Climategate email dump that exposed top climate scientists’ chicanery and subversion of science – and did so in their own words and out of their own mouths, or keyboards.